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Chapter 1 Worksheet 1 | Natural Numbers And Whole Numbers | Class-6 DAV Secondary Mathematics
Unit 14 Worksheet 1 || Natural Numbers And Whole Numbers
1. Write the Roman Numeral for each of the following:
(a) 33 (b) 500 (c) 48 (d) 76 (e) 95 (f) 41 (g) 87 (h) 66 (i) 19 (j) 1000
Answer 1:

2. Convert the following into Hindu Arabic Numerals.
(a) XXVI (b) LXXVII (c) XCI (d) LXXXV (e) D (f) XCIX (g) XCVII (h) LV (i) XLI (j) XXIX
Answer 2:

3. Solve and write the results in Roman Numerals.
(a) 32 + 67
(b) 216 – 174
(c) 12 x 7
(d) 3645 / 45
Answer 3:

4. Which of the following is meaningless?
(a) VVII (b) XLI (c) LIV (d) IC (e) LIL (f) IVC (g) XCI (h) VL
Answer 4:

5. Match the following:
Answer 5:

6. Write the following in Roman Numerals.
(a) Year in which India got Independence.
(b) Year in which India became Republic,
(c) Year in which you were born.
(d) Present year.
Answer 6:

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