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Chapter 1 Worksheet 5 | Natural Numbers And Whole Numbers | Class-6 DAV Secondary Mathematics
Unit 1 Worksheet 5 || Natural Numbers And Whole Numbers
1. Fill in the following blanks by using different properties of multiplication.

Answer 1:

2. Rearrange the numbers and then multiply them.

3. Find the product by using distributive property.

4. Find the value by using distributive property.

5. Rohan buys 12 computers and 12 printers. If the cost of one computer and one printer is Rs.56,233 and Rs.7,867 respectively, find the total cost incurred by Rohan. (Use distributive property of multiplication.)

6. In a school, the monthly fee of a child is Rs. 497. If there are 2983 students in a school, find the total fee collected in a month. (Use distributive property of multiplication.)