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Chapter 12 Worksheet 1 | Triangles | Class-6 DAV Secondary Mathematics
Unit 12 Worksheet 1 || Triangles
1. Draw any triangle XYZ and name Its sides, angles and vertices.

2. How many triangles are there In each of the following figures.

3. Identify the following triangles on the basis of their angles.

4. Can we construct a triangle with angles of measure 70°, 40°, 60°? Why or Why not?

5. Can you construct a triangle using line segments of the following lengths.
(a) 7 cm, 6 cm, 12 cm (b) 6 cm, 5 cm, 11 cm

6. One of the angles of a right angled triangle is 40°. Find the other angles of the triangle.

7. Two angles of a triangle measure 30° and 55° respectively. Find the measure of the third angle. Also state what type of a triangle is it.

8. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ for the following statements.
(a) The sum of three angles of a triangle is always equal to 180°.
(b) A triangle can have two of its angles greater than 90°.
(c) Equilateral triangle has all of its three sides equal in length.
(d) One angle of a right angled triangle is always equal to 90°.
(e) A triangle whose all the three sides are different in length is called an isosceles triangle.