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Unit 13 Brain Teaser | Introduction To Graphs | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
Q1A. Tick () the correct option.
(i) The point at which the x-axis and y-axis intersect on the cartesian plane is
(a) abscissa (h) origin (c) ordinate (d) none
(ii) If a point lies on the y-axis, its coordinates are
(a) (x, 0) (b) (0, 0) (c) (x, y) (d) (0, y)
(iii) The distance of n point P (2, 3) firom x-axis is
(a) 3 units (b) 2 units (c) 5 units (d) 1 unit
(iv) The distance of a point from y-axis is called
(a) ordinate (b) y-coordinate (c) abscissa (d) none

Q1B. Answer the following questions.
(a) Write down the coordinates of the origin.

(b) What are the coordinates of a point which lies on the x-axis?

(c) What is the distance of the point C (4, 2) from y-axis?

(d) What is the distance between the points P (0, 2) and Q (0, 6)?

(e) If the vertices O, A, B of a square OABC are (0, 0), (2, 0) and (2, 2), what are the coordinates of the fourth vertex C of the square.

Q2. Write the coordinates of each of the vertices of each polygon given below:

Q3. The runs scored by the Indian and Australian teams in first 10 overs are given below:

Draw a graph showing the data making the graphs on the same axes in each case.
Answer 3: