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Chapter 2 Worksheet 2 | Factors and Multiples | Class-6 DAV Secondary Mathematics
Unit 2 Worksheet 2 || Factors and Multiples
1. Look at the following numbers and fill in the blanks.
(a) 435, 6552, 988, 3870, 5211, 9343
The numbers that are divisible by 2 are 6552, 988, 3870.
(b) 3522, 9765, 1000, 45012, 28775
The numbers that are divisible by 5 are 9765, 1000, 28775.
(c) 7780, 10000, 2567; 57514, 82210
The numbers that are divisible by 10 are 7780, 1000, 82210.
(d) 4924, 63402, 11507, 36572
The numbers that are divisible by 4 are 4924, 36572.
(e) 789984, 365832, 10098, 395529
The numbers that are divisible by 8 are 789984, 365832.
Apply the divisibility rule and show that—
(a) 432566 is divisible by 2
(b) 352115 is divisible by 5
(c) 868060 is divisible by 10
(d) 3496 is divisible by 4
(e) 117904 is divisible by 8
(f) 784300 is divisible by 4
(g) 694000 is divisible by 8
(h) 35088 is divisible by 2