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Chapter 5 Worksheet 3 | Application of Percentage | Class-7 DAV Secondary Mathematics
Unit 5 Worksheet 3 || Application of Percentage
1. I purchased a watch for 330 and sold it at a loss of 20%. Find S.P. of the watch.

2. By selling a T.V. for 8000, a shopkeeper loses 20% of his cost. If he sells it for 11,000, what profit or loss would be there for him?

3. A shopkeeper purchased a T.V. set for 9,000 and sold it at a loss of 5%. Find the selling price of the T.V. set.

4. Seeta sells a dining set to Neeta for 6,000 and gains 20%. For how much should she sell it to increase her profit by another 5%?

5. Ranjan bought a second hand scooter for 6,000. He spent 300 on its repairs and sold it to Vineet at a profit of 10%. Vineet sold the scooter to Mukesh at a loss of 10%. At what price did Mukesh buy the scooter?

6. A man buys two pens at 20 each. He sells one at a gain of 5% and other at a loss of 5%. Find his gain or loss per cent.

7. Mr. Tandon purchased a computer for 32,000 and a microwave oven for 6,500. On computer he lost 5% and on microwave he gained 15%. Find his total gain or loss per cent.

8. Mr. A sells a bicylce to Mr. B at a profit of 20% and Mr. B sells it to Mr. C at a profit of 25%. If Mr. C pays 1,500, what did Mr. A pay for it?

- Chapter 1 Rational Numbers | Class-7 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 2 Operations on Rational Numbers | Class-7 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 3 Rational Numbers as Decimals | Class-7 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 4 Exponents and Powers | Class-7 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 5 Application of Percentage | Class-7 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 6 Algebraic Expressions | Class-7 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 7 Linear Equations in One Variable | Class-7 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 8 Triangle and Its Properties | Class-7 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 9 Congruent Triangles | Class-7 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 10 Construction of Triangles | Class-7 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area | Class-7 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 12 Data Handling | Class-7 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 13 Symmetry | Class-7 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 14 Visualising Solids | Class-7 DAV Secondary Mathematics