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Chapter 5 Worksheet 2 | Percentage and Its Applications | Class-6 DAV Secondary Mathematics
Unit 5 Worksheet 2 || Percentage and Its Applications
1. Find—
(a) the amount 6% more than Rs. 120.
(b) the amount 15% less than Rs. 400.

2. The monthly salary of Mohan is Rs. 950. If his salary increases by 6%, find his new salary.

3. A dealer buys an old car for Rs. 80,000. He repairs it and sells it at an increase of 10%. What is the selling price of the car?

4. The monthly consumption of milk in a family is 120 litres. If due to festival the consumption of milk increased by 20%, find the present consumption of milk.

5. The cost of a saree was Rs. 500. If the shopkeeper allows a discount of 20% on the saree, what is the cost of saree after discount?