DAV Maths Solutions for class 6 maths Algebra Worksheet 1 have been discussed here. Solutions are given below with proper Explanation please bookmark our website for further updates!! All the Best !!
Chapter 6 Worksheet 1 | Introduction To Algebra | Class-6 DAV Secondary Mathematics
Unit 6 Worksheet 1 || Introduction To Algebra
1. Write the number which is-

2. Write the following expressions using numbers, literal numbers and arithmetic operations.

3. Write the following expressions in words.

4. There are 38 students in a class. If x more students joined the class, how many students are there in the class?

5. Three sides of a triangle are x cm, y cm and z cm. Find the perimeter of the triangle.

6. Cost of one pen is ₹ 8. Find the cost of y pens.

7. Neha has seven more toffees than Megha. If Megha has x toffees, how many toffees does Neha have?

8. Anshul is z years old. How old was he three years ago?