Are you looking for DAV Books Solutions then you are in right place, we have discussed the detailed solution of Science class 4 book Chapter 3 Flowers and Fruits which is followed in all DAV School Solutions are given below with proper explanation solutions that will help students in their examination. Please bookmark our website for further updates!! All the Best !!
DAV CLASS 4 Chapter 3 Flowers and Fruits Science Question and Answer
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Flower is the colourful part of a plant
2. A flower develops from a buds.
3. Oil, extracted from cloves, is used as a Medicine
4. We must protect flowers from being plucked unnecessarily.
5. Dry fruits are generally eaten in winter season.
B. Write True or False for the following statements.
- A bud is covered with green leaves. –True
- All flowers look alike. –False
- Lavender is cooked and eaten as a vegetable. False
- Fruits make flowers. False
- Jackfruit and tomato are fruits that are often used as vegetables. True
C. Tick (✓) the correct option.
1. It blooms in summer—(a) motia (b) dahlia (c) chrysanthmum (d) rose
Answer: Motia
2. It is useful for curing wounds and injuries-(a) zenia (b) marigold (c)Arnica (d) banana
Answer: Arnica
3. It has many seeds—(a) mango (b) peach (c) plum termelon
Answer: Watermelon
4. It is generally not used for preparing jams—(a) apple (b) bitter gourd (c) strawberry (d) orange
Answer: Bitter gourd
D. Answer the following questions in brief.
1. State any two uses of flowers.
Answer:Two uses of flowers are: 1.Flowers are used as medicine for example clove is used in cough. 2. Flowers are used to make perfume for example Rose,Jasmine
2. How do green leaves help a bud?
Answer: Green leaves protect the bud.
Rest answers will be updated Stay tuned!!
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