Are you looking for DAV Maths Solutions for class 7 Chapter 9 Congruent Triangles then you are in right place, we have discussed the solution of the Secondary Mathematics book which is followed in all DAV School. Solutions are given below with proper Explanation please bookmark our website for further update !! All the Best !!
DAV Class 7 Chapter 9 Worksheet 2 Congruent Triangles Question and Answer
Get below DAV Class 7 Chapter 9 Worksheet 2 Congruent Triangles Question and Answer.
1. In ∆ ABC and ∆ DEF, AB = DE and BC = EF (Fig. 9.19).

Answer 1:

What additional information is required to make the two triangles congruent by SAS congruence condition?
2. ∆ABC is isosceles with AB = AC (Fig. 9.20).

Line segment AD bisects ∠A and meets the base BC at D. Find the third pair of corresponding parts which make ∆ADB = ∆ADC by SAS congruence condition. Is it true to say that BD = CD? Why?
Answer 2:

3. In Fig. 9.21, AB II DC and AB = DC.
(i) Is ∠BAC = ∠DCA? Why?
(ii) Is ∆ABC = ∆CDA by SAS congruence condition?
(iii) State the three facts you have used to answer (ii).

Answer 3:

4. In Fig. 9.22. which pairs of triangles are congruent by SAS congruence condition? If Congruent, write the congruence of the two triangles In symbolic form.

Answer 4:

5. In Fig. 9.23. AB = AD end ∠BAC = ∠DAC.
(i) Slate in symbolic form. the congruence of two triangles ABC and ADC is true. Also slate the congruence condition used.
(ii) Complete each of the following, so as to make it true:
(a) ∠ABC
(b) ∠ACD =
(c) Line segment AC bisects _________ and __________.

Answer 5:

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