MCQs on Sampling

Multiple choice questions and answers (MCQs) on “Sampling” focus on all areas of Statistics covering various topics. These topics are chosen from a collection of the most authoritative and best reference books on Sampling .

Q1 Sample is a subset of:

(a) Population
(b) Data
(c) Set
(d) Distribution

1 A

Q2 Any population constant is called a:

(a) Statistic
(b) Parameter
(c) Estimate
(d) Estimator

2 B

Q3 List of all the units of the population is called:

(a) Random sampling
(b) Bias
(c) Sampling frame
(d) Probability sampling

3 C

Q4 Any calculation on the sampling data is called:

(a) Parameter
(b) Static
(c) Chareterstics
(d) Error

4 B

Q5 Any measure of the population is called:

(a) Finite
(b) Parameter
(c) Without replacement
(d) Random

5 B

Q6 If all the units of a population are surveyed, it is called

(a) Random sample
(b) Random sampling
(c) Sampled population
(d) Complete enumeration

6 D

Q7 Probability distribution of a statistics is called

(a) Sampling
(b) Parameter
(c) Data
(d) Sampling distribution

7 D

Q8 The difference between a statistic and the parameter is called:

(a) Probability
(b) Sampling error
(c) Random
(d) Non-random

8 B

Q9 The sum of the frequencies of the frequency distribution of a statistic is equal to
(a) Sample size
(b) Population size
(c) Possible samples
(d) Sum of X values

9 C

Q 10 Standard deviation of sampling distribution of a statistic is called:

(a) Serious error
(b) Dispersion
(c) Standard error
(d) Difference

10 C

Q11 A distribution formed by all possible values of a statistics is called

(a) Binomial distribution
(b) Hypergeometric distribution
(c) Normal distribution
(d) Sampling distribution

11 D

Q12 In probability sampling, probability of selecting an item from the
population is known and is:

(a) Equal to zero
(b) Non zero
(c) Equal to one
(d) All of the above

12 B

Q13 A population about which we want to get some information is

(a) Finite population
(b) Infinite population
(c) Sampling population
(d) Target population

13 D

Q14 The population consists of the results of repeated trials is named as

(a) Finite population
(b) Infinite population
(c) Real population
(d) Hypothetical population

14 D

Q15 A population consisting of the items which are all present physically is called

(a) Finite population
(b) Infinite population
(c) Real population
(d)Hypothetical population

15 C

Q16 Study of population is called:

(a) Parameter
(b) Statistic
(c) Error
(d) Census

16 D

Q17 Sampling based upon equal probability is called:

(a) Probability sampling
(b) Systematic sampling
(c) Simple random sampling
(d) Stratified random sampling

17 C

Q18 In sampling with replacement, an element can be chosen:
(a) Less than once
(b) More than once
(c) Only once
(d) Difficult to tell

18 B

Q19 Random sampling is also called:

(a) Probability sampling
(b) Non-probability sampling
(c) Sampling error
(d) Random error

19 A

Q20 Non-random sampling is also called:

(a) Biased sampling
(b) Non-probability sampling
(c) Random sampling
(d) Representative sample

20 B

Q 21 Sampling error can be reducing by:

(a) Non-probability sampling
(b) Increasing the population
(c) Decreasing the sample size
(d) Increasing the sample size

21 D

Q22 A complete list of all the sampling units is called:

(a) Sampling design
(b) Sampling frame
(c) Population frame
(d) Cluster

22 B

Q23 Non Sampling error is reduced by
a) Increasing Sample Size
b) Decreasing Sample Size
c) Reducing Amount of Data
d) None of these

23 D

Q24 Any numerical value calculated from sample data is called
a) Error
b) Statistic
c) Bias
d) Mean
c) Standard Deviation

24 B

Q25 Sample is subset of
a) Data
b) Group
c) Population
d) Itself
e) Distribution

25 D

Q26 Non Probability form of sampling is
a) Random Sampling
b) Non Random Sampling
c) Probability Sampling
d) Quota Sampling

26 D

Q27 In sampling with replacement a sampling unit can be selected
a) Only once
b) More than one time
c) Less than one time
d) Non of above

27 B
Q28 Sampling in which a sampling unit can be repeated more than once is called
a) Sampling without replacement
b) Simple sampling
c) Sampling with replacement
d) None of above

28 C

Q29 Standard deviation of sampling distribution of any statistic is called
a) Sampling Error
b) Type-I Error
c) Non Sampling Error
d) Standard Deviation
e) Standard Error
29 E

Q30 Any numerical value computed from population is called
a) Statistic
b) Bias
c) Sampling Error
d) Error
e) Parameter

30 E

Q31 The list of all units in a population is called
a) Random sampling
b) Sampling Frame
c) Bias
d) Parameter
e) Statistic

31 B

Q32 The difference between statistic and parameter is called
a) Random Error
b) Sampling Error
c) Standard Error
d) Bias
e) Error

32 E

Q33 In random sampling, the probability of selecting an item from the population is
a) Unknown
b) Known
c) Undecided
d) One
e) Zero

33 B

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