Samagra Textbook PDF: If you’re seeking a free PDF copy of the SCERT TextBook for classes 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11, and 12, you’ve come to the correct spot. has provided you with direct download links to your free SCERT Kerala books in this article. Here you can get SCERT Kerala Textbooks for Class 1 to Class 12 in PDF format. You can read the SCERT Books online as well as save them in PDF format. You will get the latest edition for the current academic session 2022-2023. Class-wise links are provided for download in PDF format.

Download SCERT Samagra Kerala Textbooks
All the files of the SCERT Kerala State Board Syllabus Textbooks in English, Malayalam and Tamil Medium are accessible in PDF format for class 1 to 12th, simply tap the download link and it will begin downloading automatically.
Click below on the class for which you require the book. You will be directed to a page from where you can easily download your textbooks.
FAQs on SCERT Kerala Books?
7th Standard Kannada Text Book Pdf can be downloaded from this website free of cost.
Final Words
We hope this detailed article on “SCERT Kerala Text Books” helps you. If you have any queries, put them in the comment section below. Best of Luck with your future.