Are you looking for DAV Books Solutions then you are in right place , we have discussed solution of My English Reader class 5 book which is followed in all DAV School. Solutions are given below with proper Explanation please bookmark our website for further updates!! All the Best !!
DAV CLASS 5 My English Reader Solutions Where There’s A Will-Introduction
In your opinion, which of the following options conveys the correct meaning of the proverb—‘Where there’s a will, there’s a way’—
(i) If you wish, you can make a road for yourself.
(ii) Wherever you find a will, there will be a road for you.
(iii) If you really want to do something, you will certainly be able to find a way of doing it.
Question: Look at the describing words given below and tick (3) those which can help you to find your way and make you successful.
Answer:Strong-willed ,resolute, focussed ,optimistic, confident, calm , enthusiastic
A.1. Have you ever tried to analyse yourself? Do you face a situation readily or do you try to avoid it?
What do you do in the following situations? Tick (3) your choice.
(i) When you make a mistake, do you—
1. admit it?
2. hold someone else responsible?
(ii) When you see a person better than you, do you try to—
1. learn from him?
2. prove him to be inferior?
(iii) When you come across a difficult question, do you—
1. try your best to find the answer?
2.find fault with the question?
(iv) When you are unable to score good marks, do you—
1.work harder than before?
2. give up after sometime?
(v) When you find your teacher is not satisfied with your performance, do you—
1. try to improve yourself?
2. complain about it?
Ans. (i) admit it (ii) learn from him (iii) try your best to find the answer (iv) work harder than before (v) try to improve
Rest Answers Will be updated Soon Stay Tuned !!!!
Limits of the mind