Chapter 7 Diversity In Living Organism /MCQ Questions

MCQ Questions On Class 9th Biology Chapter Chapter 7 Diversity In Living Organism (Answers Are Given Below)

  1. Redwood tree of california reaches a height of
    (a) 25m
    (b) 50m
    (c) 75m
    (d) 100m
  2. Hotspots of biodiversity means
    (a) areas of the Earth that contain many endemic
    (b) species serves as proxy for entire communities
    in particular areas
    (c) species in particular niche/area
    (d) species diversity at particular areas
  3. The total number of species, that are known and
    described, range between
    (a) 0.5-1.0 million
    (b) 1.1-1.2 million
    (c) 1.7-1.8 million (d) 2.5-3.0 million
  4. The science of naming organism is called
    (a) identification (b) nomenclature
    (c) classification
    (d) taxonomy
  5. The system of nomenclature evolved by Linnaeus
    (a) mononomial
    (b) vernacular
    (c) binomial
    (d) polynomal
  6. Binomial nomenclature consists of two words
    (a) genus and species (b) order and family
    (C) family and genus (d) species and variety
  7. In binominal name, which is written in capital ?
    (a) first alphabet of generic name
    (b) all alphabets of generic word
    (C) first alphabet of specific word
    (d) all alphabets of specific word
  8. Homo:generic name :: Sapines : ………
    (a) species name (b) human name
    (c) division name
    (d) organism name
  9. Who has divided Prokaryota (Monera) into
    Archaea and Eubacteria ?
    (a) Haeckel
    (b) Copeland
    (c) Woese
    (d) Whittaker
  10. The eukaryotic kingdom Protocista was created
    (a) Whittaker
    (b) Woese
    (c) Margulis and Schwartz
    (d) Haeckel
  11. Who proposed the concept of evolution ?
    (a) Aristotle
    (b) Theophrastus
    (c) Darwin
    (d) Linnaeus
  12. Phylogeny is study of
    (a) development of an individual
    (b) evolution of species
    (c) embryonic development of an organ
    (d) ecological adaptation of an organisms
  13. The science of classification is called
    (a) demography (b) taxonomy
    (c) biology
    (d) none of the above
  14. Class is a category between
    (a) phylum and order
    (b) kingdom and phylum
    (c) order and family
    (d) family and genes
  15. “Taxa’ differs from “taxon” due to
    (a) this being a higher taxonomic category than
    (b) this being the lower taxonomic category than
    (c) this being the singular of taxon
    (d) this being the singular of taxon.
  16. The basic unit of classification is
    (a) variety
    (b) species
    (c) genus
    (d) family
  17. A group of similar freely inter-breeding organisms
    constitutes a
    (a) species
    (b) genera
    (c) family
    (d) class
  18. A group of related genera, with still less number of
    similarities as compared to the genus and species,
    (a) order
    (b) class
    (C) family
    (d) division
  19. Genetic material of prokaryotes is called
    (a) nucleoid
    (b) nucleolus
    (c) plasmid
    (d) mesosome
  20. The ability of nitrogen fixation is found in
    (a) monerans only
    (b) both monerans and protistans
    (c) protistans only
    (d) fungi only
  21. Amoeba belongs to kingdom
    (a) Monera
    (b) Protista
    (C) Fungi
    (d) Animalia
  22. Fungi resemble animals in having
    (a) mycelium
    (b) chitin
    (c) glycogen
    (d) both (b) and (c)
  23. A plant body not differentiated into root, stem and
    leaves is termed as
    (a) thallus
    (b) mycelium
    (c) hyphae
    (d) herb
  24. Chlorophyll containing, autotrophic thallophytes
    are called
    (a) algae
    (b) lichens
    (c) fungi
    (d) bryophytes
  25. The compound plants composed of algae and fungi
    are called
    (a) algae
    (b) bryophytes
    (c) pteridophytes (d) lichens
  26. Which of the following group of plants is called
    vascular cryptogams?
    (a) thallophyta (b) bryophyta
    (c) pteridophyta (d) angiospermae
  27. Which of the following plant group bears naked
    seeds ?
    (a) Pteridophyta (b) Bryophyta
    (c) Gymnospermae (d) Angiospermae
  28. Reproductive structure are flowers in
    (a) gymnosperms (b) pteridophytes
    (c)angiosperms (d) both (a) and (b)
  29. Phylum mollusca can be distinguished from other
    nonchordates by the presence of
    (a) bilateral symmetry and exoskeleton
    (b)a mantle and gills
    (c) shell and non-segmented body
    (d)a mantle and a non-segmented body
  30. The phylum of sedentary animals is
    (a) Mollusca
    (b) Echinodermata
    (d) both (a) and (b)
  31. Choanocytes are unique to
    (a) Protozoa
    (b) Porifera
    (c) Mollusca
    (d) Echinodermata
  32. Cnidaria is characterised by
    (a) Nematoblasts (b) Coelenteron
    (c) Tissue level of organisation
    (d) all the above
  33. Tapeworm is member of phylum
    (a) Annelida
    (b) Porifera
    (c) Nematoda (d) Platyhelminthes
  34. Elephantiasis disease of human beings is caused by
    (a) Wuchereria (b) Ascaris
    (c) Enterobius
    (d) Ancylostoma
  35. True coelom appeared for the first time in
    (a) Mollusca
    (b) Nematoda
    (d) Arthropoda
  36. Arthropods are characterised by
    (a) jointed legs
    (b) jointed appendages
    (c) chitinous exoskeleton
    (d) all the above
  37. In the Pila, the gastropod mollusc, the organ of the
    locomotion is
    (a) mantle
    (b) foot
    (d) legs
  38. Starfish belongs to phylum
    (a) Mollusca
    (b) Coelenterata
    (c) Arthropoda
    (d) Echinodermata
  39. Echinoderms have
    (a) water vascular system
    (b) canal system
    (c) jet propulsion
    (d) book lungs
  40. Phylum Chordata is named after the occurrence
    (a) notochord
    (b) dorsal hollow nerve cord
    (b) occurence of postnatal tail
    (d) presence of gill slits
  41. In higher chordates, notochord is transformed into
    (a) cranium
    (b) limbs
    (c) vertebral column (d) both (b) and (c)
  42. Balanoglossus belons to Hemichordata which forms
    a connecting link between
    (a) urochordates and cephalochordates
    (b)urochordates and vertebrates
    (C) cephalochordates and vertebrates
    (d)nonchordates and chordates
  43. Lateral line sense organs occur in
    (a) fishes
    (b) amphibian larva
    (c) reptiles
    (d) both (a) and (b)
  44. In the lung fishes, the heart is
    (a) single chambered (b) two chambered
    (d) four chambered
    (d) amphibians
    (b) three chambered
  45. The skin is devoid of scales in
    (a) cartilaginous fish (b) bony fishes
    (b) reptiles
  46. A very long sticky tongue and ability to change
    colour occurs in
    (a) garden lizard
    (b) chamaelon
    (c) python
    (d) king cobra
  47. Duck-billed platypus and echidna are
    (a) reptiles
    (b) egg-laying mammals
    (c)marsupial mammals
    (d) eutherian mammals


  1. d
  2. a
  3. c
  4. b
  5. c
  6. a
  7. a
  8. a
  9. c
  10. C
  11. c
  12. b
  13. b
  14. a
  15. c
  16. b
  17. a
  18. c
  19. a
  20. a
  21. b
  22. d
  23. a
  24. a
  25. d
  26. C
  27. C
  28. c
  29. d
  30. C
  31. b
  32. d
  33. d
  34. a
  35. C
  36. d
  37. b
  38. d
  39. a
  40. a
  41. C
  42. d
  43. d
  44. b
  45. d
  46. b
  47. b

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