Chapter 7 | The World of Living| Class- 6 DAV Science Solutions

Are you looking for DAV Books Solutions then you are in right place, we have discussed the solution of Science class 6 book Chapter 7 The World of Living which is followed in all DAV School. Solutions are given below with proper Explanation please bookmark our website for further updates!! All the Best !!

DAV Class- 6 The World of Living Question and Answer

Something To Know

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. Plants, animals and human beings are collectively known as living things.

2. Amoeba is a unicellular organism.

3. The process, used by plants to synthesise their own food, is known as photosynthesis.

4. All living organisms respond to various kinds of stimuli.

5. Herbs are very small plants.

B. Write True or False for the following statements.

1. Amoeba is a plant.

Answer 1: False

2. Living organisms exhibit many variations due to their habitats and habits.

Answer 2: True

3. Many non-living things can be moulded in different forms or shapes.

Answer 3: True

4. All living things die.

Answer 4: True

5. Lotus is an example of a hydrophyte.

Answer 5: True

6. Invertebrates do not possess a backbone.

Answer 6: True

C. Tick the correct option.

1. Which of these statements is true for plants?

Answer 1: green plants are autotrophic.

2. Which of the following plants belongs to the category of shrubs?

Answer 2: rose

3. Which one among these is not a flowering plant?

Answer 3: algae

4. Biennial plants are those plants which live for-

Answer 4: two years

5. All living organisms have-

Answer 5: cells

6. Which of these is an invertebrate?

Answer 6: snail

D. Answer the following questions in brief.

1. Name any three important characteristics of living beings.

Answer 1: Characteristics of living beings are: –

(1) Living things reproduce.

(2) Living things grow.

(3) Living things are made up of cells.

2. State the difference between autotrophs and heterotrophs.

Answer 2: Autotrophs – Plants that prepare their own food by the process of photosynthesis. 

Example: All green plants.

Heterotrophs – Plants that cannot prepare their own food. They use the food synthesised by other plants or animals.

Example: Animals, humans, etc.

3. Give two examples each of annual, biennial and perennial plants.

Answer 3:

Annual plants: Pea plants and Maize.

Biennial plants: Radish and Carrot.

Perennial plants: Mango and Guava.

4. Give two examples each of animals which reproduce (i) by laying eggs and (ii) by giving birth to young ones.

Answer 4: Laying eggs: frogs, birds.

Giving birth: Goat and Cow.

5. Give two examples each of vertebrates and invertebrates.

Answer 5: Vertebrates: Mammals, Reptiles.

invertebrates: Flatworms, Insects.

6. Write the names of any four useful products obtained from plants.

Answer: We obtained spices, vegetables, oil, grains, etc. from plants.

E. Answer the following questions.

1. All living things respond to external stimuli. Justify this statement with examples.

Answer: All living organisms respond to different stimuli. This statement is justified by following example: –

(1) Animals, like earthworms, move away from light and saline media.

(2) The tip of a shoot system tends to move towards the light.

(3) The drooping of a leaf of a ‘touch-me-not’ plant, is a response to the touch stimulus.

2. A cloud is considered as non-living even though it can move and can grow bigger. Explain why?

Answer 2:  A cloud is considered as non-living even though it can move and can grow bigger because clouds do not show all characteristics of living things like-

(1) A cloud cannot respond to different stimuli.

(2) It can’t eat.

(3) It is not made up of cells.

(4) It can’t breathe like living things.

3. Write two points of difference between (1) herbs and shrubs and (2) shrubs and trees.

Answer 3: 

(1) Difference between herbs and shrubs are:

(1) Herbs are very small plants. (1) Shrubs are medium-sized plants.
(2) They have soft and green stems.(2)  They have thick but not so hard woody stems.
Example: Mint leaves, Carrot, etc.Example: Raat ki rani, rose, cotton plants, etc. 

(2) Difference between shrubs and trees

(1) Shrubs are medium-sized plants.(1) Trees are tall and large plants.
(2)  They have thick but not so hard woody stems.(2) They have strong and woody stems.
Example: Raat ki rani, rose, cotton plants, etc. Example: Neem, mango, apple trees, etc.

4. State the differences between biennial and perennial plants.

Answer 4: Difference between biennials and perennials plants are:

(1) These plants live for two seasons.(1) These plants live for many years.
(2) In the first year, they have full vegetative growth and in the second year, they bear flowers and fruits(2) They produce flowers and fruits many times in their lifetime. 
Example: Carrot and turnipExample: Mango, guava and neem

5. Name two types of terrestial plants. How do they differ on the basis of their habitat and water requirements?

Answer 5: Two types of terrestrial plants are:

(1) Mesophytes (2) Xerophytes

They differ on the basis of their habitat and water requirements.


These plants grow on land and need a moderate amount of water supply for their survival. 

Examples: Mango tree, Apple tree, etc.


These plants grow in deserts. They need very small amounts of water for their survival. 

Examples: Cacti, babool, etc.

6. How are vertebrates different from invertebrates?

Answer 6: Vertebrates differ from invertebrates in this way: –


(1) They have a backbone, which is made up of several small ring-like bones, called vertebrae.

(2) These animals are well-developed and have bony skeletons.

(3) The examples are Human Beings, Fish, Frog, Lizard, Birds, etc.


(1) They do not have a backbone.

(2) These animals have a soft body.

(3) The examples are Earthworm, Cockroach, Octopus, Starfish, etc.

7. Write any four uses of animals in our daily life.

Answer 7:

Four uses of animals in our daily life are: – 

(1) Animals provide us with a variety of products such as leather, wool, and silk.

(2) Animal excrement is utilised as manure to generate gobar gas.

(3) We obtain a variety of edible goods, such as milk, meat, and so on.

(4) Materials and humans are transported by animals such as camels and horses.

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