Class 4 Length Worksheet 4

Solve the following word problems.

(a) Neetu bought 3 m 75 cm of cloth for the shirt and 2 m 20 cm of Cloth for trousers. What is the total length of cloth she bought?

Solution: Neetu bought

Length of Cloth for shirt =3 m 75 cm ——(1)

Length of Cloth for trouser= 2 m 20 cm ——(2)

The total length of Cloth= (1) +(2)

Class 4 Length Worksheet 4

(b) Amit traveled 15 km 550 m by train, 12 km 400 m by bus, and 1 km 25 m by scooter. How much distance did he travel in all?


Amit traveled 15 km 550 m by train ——(1)

Amit traveled 12 km 400 m by bus ——(2)

Amit traveled 1 km 25 m by scooter ——(3)

The total distance travelled by Amit = (1) +(2) + (3)

Class 4 Length Worksheet 4

(c) Mrs Renu has a ribbon 16 m 75 cm long. She cuts it into two pieces. One piece is 8 m 90 cm. Find the length of the other piece.

Class 4 Length Worksheet 4

(d) The heights of Ram and Shyam are 1 m 75 cm and 1 m 28 cm respectively, Who is taller and by how much?

Class 4 Length Worksheet 4

(e) An ant climbed 9 m 50 cm on a wall. Then, it came down 4 m 75 cm along the same wall. How far is the ant from the starting point?

Class 4 Length Worksheet 4

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