Are you looking for DAV Books Solutions then you are in right place , we have discussed solution of My English Reader Chapter 6 A Spark in the Dark solutions which is followed in all DAV School. Solutions are given below with proper Explanation please bookmark our website for further updates!! All the Best !!

I. See the picture and write the name under it.

II. Choose words from the help box and fill in the blanks.
- Sarika is a smart girl.
- Her mom and dad gave gone to the party.
- She is alone in the house.
- She sees spark in the dark. It is a gem.
- They take gem to the Queen.
III. We have read a lot of ‘ar’ sound words in the story. Let’s have fun in filling the following crossword with some ‘ar’ words using the clues.

IV. Answer the following Questions.
a) Where is Sarika sitting?
b)What does sarika sees in the park?
c)Who drops gem in the park?
d) What does the queen give to Sarika.
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