Are you looking for DAV Books Solutions then you are in right place , we have discussed solution of My English Reader Chapter 18 An Inch of Gold class-2 solutions which is followed in all DAV School. Solutions are given below with proper Explanation please bookmark our website for further updates!! All the Best !

Do it yourself
I. Arrange the given sentences in proper sequences as given in the story.

II. Answer the following questions:
(a) How many sons did the farmer have?
Ans. The farmer had seven sons.
(b) What did the woman keep in her room at night?
Ans. The women kept a bowl of milk in her room at night.
(c) What happened when the woman cut two inches of the snake’s tail?
Ans. The snake started bleeding when the woman cut two inches of the snake’s tail.
(d) Describe the farmer’s sons in two sentences.
Ans. The farmer’s sons were lazy. They did no work.
III. Arrange each of these letters to form a word from the story.
(a) roop – poor
(b) merfar –farmer
(c) zaly – lazy
(d) kesna – snake
(e) dygeer – greedy
IV. Divide the passage into sentences by using full stop(.) and capital letters wherever necessary.
The woman kept the milk on the floor. The snake drank the milk then she took a knife and cut off two inches of his tail. The snake started bleeding and died.
V. Find the past tense of the following words from the story.
(a) come – came
(b) drink – drank
(c) keep – kept
(d) give – gave
(e) take – took
(f) become – became
(g) see – saw
(h) tell –told
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