List of Subjects in B.Tech Aerospace Engineering Course
First Year:
- Engineering Mathematics I
- Engineering Physics
- Engineering Chemistry & Environmental Studies
- Engineering Mechanics
- Engineering Graphics
- Basic Civil Engineering
- Basic Mechanical Engineering
- Basic Electrical Engineering
- Basic Electronics Engineering & Information Technology
- Mechanical Workshop
- Electrical and Civil Workshops
Second year:
- Transforms And Partial Differential Equations
- Mechanics of Machines
- Aero Engineering Thermodynamics
- Fluid Mechanics and Machinery
- Solid Mechanics
- Elements of Aeronautics
- Numerical Methods
- Aerodynamics – I
- Aircraft Systems and Instruments
- Production Technology
- Aircraft Structures – I
- Propulsion-I
Third Year:
- Flight Dynamics
- Aircraft Structures – II
- Aerodynamics – II
- Propulsion -II
- Control Engineering
- Environmental Science and Engineering
- Principles of Management
- Finite Element Method
- Experimental Stress Analysis
- Wind Tunnel Techniques
- High-temperature materials
- Elective – I
Fourth Year:
- Total Quality Management
- Avionics
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Vibrations And Elements of Aeroelasticity
- Elective – II
- Elective – III
- Composite Materials And Structures
- Elective – IV
- Elective – V