Are you looking for DAV Books Solutions then you are in right place, we have discussed the solution of English Literature book Bangle Sellers class 8 which is followed in all DAV School. Solutions are given below with proper Explanation please bookmark our website for further update !! All the Best !!
DAV CLASS 8 English Literature Bangle Sellers Question and Answer
I. Understanding the Poem
A. A few graceful phrases have been used in stanza 1 of the poem to describe bangles. One is given below. Find out two more and write them in the space provided. Write two such phrases of your own.

B. On the basis of your reading of the poem, complete the following statements meaningfully.
1. The bangles which the poetess finds fit for the maiden’s wrist are of …… silver …. and … blue ……. colour.
2. Some bangles are fresh like … buds ……. growing on the … dream ……. banks of the … river ……. flowing through the woods.
3. Some bangles reflect the kind of glow we normally find on … new-born ……. leaves.
4. The bangles that the bride shall wear on her bridal morning are like … cornfield ……. brightened by the … sunlight ……..
5.The bangles of the bride have the colour of the … flame ……. of the marriage fire and some have the colour of her … heart’s ……. desire.
6. Some bangles are of … purple ……. or grey colour.
7. The hands of the middle-aged woman have …… cradled …. and loved her sons and have served her … household ……. and her husband.
C. Read these extracts from the poem and then answer the questions that follow:
1. ‘Whose hands have cherished,’
(a) Whose hands are being referred to?
Ans. (a) The hands of middle-aged women are being referred to.
(b) Whom have these hands cherished?
Ans. (b) These hands have cherished their kids.
(c) How are these hands ornamented?
Ans. (c) These hands are ornamented by colourful bangles.
(d) Discuss the importance of these hands in the development of human race.
Ans. (d) These hands have upbrought the children who are future of the nation. Then they look after their families and husbands with their utmost devotion.
2. ‘Some, like the flame of her marriage fire, Or rich with the hue of her heart’s desire;’
(a) Whom does ‘her’ refer to?
Ans. (a) ‘Her’ refers to the bride.
(b) List any two adjectives used by the poet to describe the bangles of the bride.
Ans: (b) (i) The flame of marriage fire. (ii) Colour of heart’s desire.
(c) What colour do you think would appropriately describe ‘heart’s desire’? Why?
Ans: (c) The colour of ‘heart’s desire’ is having seven colours of the rainbow. Each colour represents a separate desire. ‘VIBGYOR’ represents the colours of a rainbow in their natural order. The bride’s heart is full of desires of all these colour shades.
(d) The poet has compared the bangles of the Indian bride to her laughter as well as her tears. Why?
Ans: (d) The bangles tinkle in the same way as the bride’s laughter and tears. These bangles express their joy with the hope of a bright future and also express their sadness of being separated from their loving parents and others.
A. ‘Bangles are not mere ornaments or accessories for women; they are a part of their identity’. Discuss.
Ans. An Indian woman’s identity is represented by the bangles she wears on her hand. It is a symbol of auspiciousness for a married woman. The custom of wearing bangles is deeply rooted in Indian culture. A woman wears bangles because she is proud of the fact that she is progenitor of life. She is happy at the fact that life is conceived through her. She takes pride in her being a woman.
B. ‘Man has drawn all colours and freshness from various aspects of Nature.’ Comment.
Ans. There is no denying the fact that man has drawn all colours and freshness from various aspects of nature, if we see around, the colour of the sky is blue, the leaves are green, and mountains are pristine white, all these colours have different connotations in our life. They represent various aspects of our life. We draw inspiration from these colours’, because they add variety and freshness to our lives. In the same manner, bangles in different colours are symbolic of various stages in women’s life.
III. Life Skills
‘Worships the gods at her husband’s side.’ What is the significance of the woman’s presence by her husband’s side during worship? Ans. The women’s role is significant when she stands by her husband’s side during worship, because it is considered in our culture that woman is the second half of her husband. She is auspicious and productive. When she has equal share in her husband’s pursuits.
IV. Values
Happiness lies in enjoying the little things around us rather than waiting for big things to happen. How is this idea conveyed by the poet? Give examples from the poem.
Ans. In the poem, the poet conveys the idea to enjoy the little things around us. She tells us to enjoy the beauty of colourful bangles. Bangles are not very costly but people can enjoy them very much. Women feel proud to wear bangles around their wrist and the bangles make other people happy too. She tells us that the colourful bangles enthral or attract people more than other costly ornaments do.
V. Writing Skills
‘Sarojini Naidu’s ‘Bangle Sellers’ is rooted in Indian culture and tradition.’ Explain this in a short paragraph of not more than 80 words.
Ans. ‘Bangle Sellers’ is a poem about colourful bangles that are worn by every woman and girl in India. These bangles are symbol of auspiciousness. The bangles in the bride’s hand have colours of wonderful dream for coming life. These colourful bangles in the hands of women and girls make the festivals more festive. The custom of bangle wearing is deeply rooted in Indian culture and tradition. Over all we can’t think about our tradition without them. These are the best ornaments which any body can afford whether they are rich or poor.