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Chapter 1 Worksheet 3 | Numbers upto 99,99,99,999 | Class-5 DAV Primary Mathematics
Unit 1 Worksheet 3 || Numbers upto 99,99,99,999
1. Write the number names for the following numerals.
(a) 41,26,81,505: Forty one crore twenty six lakh eighty one thousand five hundred five.
(b) 80,08,80,000: Eight crore eight lakh eighty thousand
(c) 60,03,58,241: sixty crore three lakh fifty eight thousand two hundred forty one.
(d) 94,23,00,841: Ninety four crore twenty three lakh eight hundred forty one.
(e) 37,40,00,001: Thirty seven crore forty lakh one
(f) 90,00,00,009: Ninety crore nine
(g) 91,00,05,369: Ninety one crore five thousand three hundred sixty nine.
(h) 29,35,00,019: Twenty nine crore thirty five lakh nineteen
(i) 51,08,07,004: Fifty one crore eight lakh seven thousand four.
2. Complete the table by writing the period, place and place value of the encircled digits. The first one is done for you. | Period | Place | Place Value |
(a) | crore | Ten crore | Forty crore or 40,00,00,000 |
(b) | Lakh | Ten Lakh | Eighty Lakh or 8,00,000 |
(c) | Crore | Crore | Two crore or 2,00,00,000 |
(d) | Thousand | Ten Thousand | Twenty thousand or 20,000 |
(e) | Crore | Ten Crore | Sixty crore or 60,00,00,000 |
(f) | Lakh | Lakh | Two lakh or 2,00,000 |
3. Write the numerals using commas between periods.
(a) Sixty one crore thirteen lakh forty eight thousand nine hundred.
Answer: 61,13,48,900
(b) Eleven crore thirty six thousand sixteen.
Answer: 1,00,60,016
(c) Nineteen crore three lakh seven hundred one.
Answer: 19,03,00,701
(d) Fifty crore forty nine lakh thirty five thousand ten.
Answer: 50,49,35,010
(e) Eighty crore eighty.
Answer: 80,00,00,080
(f) Thirty five crore one lakh one thousand one.
Answer: 35,01,01,001
(g) Twenty one crore thirty lakh seven hundred nine.
Answer: 21,30,00,709