Are you looking for DAV Maths Solutions for class 7 then you are in right place, we have discussed the solution of the Secondary Mathematics book which is followed in all DAV School. Solutions are given below with proper Explanation please bookmark our website for further update !! All the Best !!
Chapter 1 | Rational Numbers | Worksheet 5 Class-7 DAV Secondary Mathematics
1. State whether the following statements are true. If not justify your answer.
(i) On a number line, all the numbers to the right of zero are positive.
Ans. True
(ii) Rational number -7/-19 lies to the left of zero on the number line.
Ans. False

(iii) On a number line, numbers become progressively larger as we move away from zero.
Ans. False

(iv) Rational numbers 2/3 and -2/3 are at equal distance from zero.
Ans. True
(v) On a number line, number lying left to a given number is greater.\
Ans. False

2. Mark the following rational number on number line.
(i) 4/5 (ii) -8/3 (iii) 5/2 (iv) -7/3

3. Represent the following rational number on a number line.

- Chapter 1 Rational Numbers | Class-7 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 2 Operations on Rational Numbers | Class-7 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 3 Rational Numbers as Decimals | Class-7 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 4 Exponents and Powers | Class-7 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 5 Application of Percentage | Class-7 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 6 Algebraic Expressions | Class-7 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 7 Linear Equations in One Variable | Class-7 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 8 Triangle and Its Properties | Class-7 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 9 Congruent Triangles | Class-7 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 10 Construction of Triangles | Class-7 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area | Class-7 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 12 Data Handling | Class-7 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 13 Symmetry | Class-7 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 14 Visualising Solids | Class-7 DAV Secondary Mathematics