Are you looking for DAV Maths Solutions for class 8 then you are in right place, we have discussed the solution of the Secondary Mathematics book which is followed in all DAV School. Solutions are given below with proper Explanation please bookmark our website for further updates!! All the Best !!
Unit 1 Worksheet 5 | DAV SOLUTIONS CLASS 8 Secondary Mathematics
1. Find the square root of the following fractions:

Answer 1:

2. Find the square root of the following decimal numbers: (i) 0.0009 (ii) 0.0081 (iii) 0.012321 (v) 7.29
Answer 2:

3. Find the square root of: (i) 0.053361 (ii) 0.00053361 (iii) 150.0625 (iv) 0.374544 (v) 610.09
Answer 3:

4. Find the square root of the following (correct to three decimal places):

Answer 4:

5. Estimate the value of the following to the nearest to one decimal place.

Answer 5:
6. Devika has a square piece of cloth of area 150 m2 and she wants to make 10 square-shaped scarves of equal size out of it. What should possibly be the length of the side of the scarf that can be made out of this piece? (Use the method of estimation in finding the length of the scarf.)
Answer 6:

7. The area of a square plot is 800 m2. Find the estimated length of the side of the plot.
Answer 7: