Are you looking for DAV Maths Solutions for class 5 then you are in right place, we have discussed the solution of the Primary Mathematics book which is followed in all DAV School. Solutions are given below with proper Explanation please bookmark our website for further updates!! All the Best !!
Chapter 12 Worksheet 1 | Percentage | Class-5 DAV Primary Mathematics
Unit 12 Worksheet 1 || Percentage
1. Fill in the boxes.

2. Solve the following questions.
(a) In a box, there are 100 chalks. Out of these, 65 chalks are blue and the rest are pink in colour. Complete the following statements:
Fraction of blue chalks = ____ = ____%
Number of pink chalks = ____
Fraction of pink chalks = ____ = ____%
(b) Anuj had 100 stamps. 32 of them are foreign stamps and the rest are Indian stamps. Find the per cent of Indian stamps that Anuj had.
(c) Here is a big square divided into 100 small squares. 5 squares are shaded black to show 5%.

Now, shade the squares to represent the following per cents.
45 % (Green) ___
6% (Yellow) ___
20% (Blue) ___