Are you looking for DAV Maths Solutions for class 5 then you are in right place, we have discussed the solution of the Primary Mathematics book which is followed in all DAV School. Solutions are given below with proper Explanation please bookmark our website for further updates!! All the Best !!
Chapter 12 Worksheet 3 | Percentage | Class-5 DAV Primary Mathematics
Unit 12 Worksheet 3 || Percentage
1. Convert the following fractions into percentages.

2. Convert the following into percentages.

3. Convert the following decimals into percentages.

4. Choose the correct number.

5. Solve the following questions.
(a) Sneha scored 40 marks out of 50 in her Mathematics test. Find the percentage of marks scored by her.
(b) In a packet of 25 toffees, 3 toffees are mango bite. What is the percentage of mango bite toffees?
(c) In the month of April, a school worked for only 24 days. What is the percentage of working days?
(d) In an orchard, there are 250 trees. 175 of them are apple trees. Find the percentage of apple trees.