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Chapter 13 Worksheet 1 | Circles | Class-6 DAV Secondary Mathematics
Unit 13 Worksheet 1 || Circles
1. Name three objects that can be used to draw a circle.

2. In the given figure, name the centre and all radii of the circle.

3. Name all the radii, diameters and chords in this circle.

4. Draw the following In this circle. (a) Radius OX (b) Diameter AB (c) Chord AC

5. In this circle,

(a) MN and XY are (b) XN and MY are (c) OX and OM are

6. Find the diameter of circles whose radius Is given below. (a) 4 cm (b) 3.1 cm (c) 4.6 cm (d) 5.4 cm (e) 21cm

7. Diameter of some circles are given below. Find their radius. (a) 8 cm (b) 7 cm (c) 6.4 cm (d) 11.4 cm (e) 26

8. Observe the given circle and answer the following questions.

(a) Name the centre.
(b) How many radii are there?
(c) Name any one diameter.
(d) Name all the chords.
(e) Name a semi-circle.

9. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ for the following statements.
(a) Diameter of a circle is twice its radius.
(b) The line segment joining any two points on a circle is called its diameter.
(c) All the radii of a circle are of equal length.
(d) We can draw only two diameters of a circle.
(e) Each circle can have only two semi-circles.