Are you looking for DAV Maths Solutions for class 8 then you are in right place, we have discussed the solution of the Secondary Mathematics book which is followed in all DAV School. Solutions are given below with proper Explanation please bookmark our website for further updates!! All the Best !!
Chapter 14 | Mensuration | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
Unit 14 Worksheet 1 || Mensuration
1. Find the area of a trapezium whose parallel sides are 57 cm and 33 cm and the distance between them is 13 cm.
Answer 1:

2. The area of a trapezium is 850 sq. cm. One of the parallel sides is 64 cm and the perpendicular distance between the parallel sides is 17 cm. Find the length of another parallel side.
Answer 2:

3. The area of a trapezium is 1.586 cm2 and sum of parallel sides is 122 cm. Find the distance between two parallel sides.
Answer 3:

4. If the area of a trapezium is 28 and two parallel sides are 8 m and 60 dm respectively, find the altitude.
Answer 4:

5. Find the height of a trapezium whose area is 1,080 cm2 and lengths of its parallel sides are 55.6 cm and 34.4 cm.
Answer 5:

6. The area of a trapezium is 12 sq. m. if its height be 3 m, find the sum of its parallel sides.
Answer 6:

7. The area of a trapezium is 248 sq. m and its height is 8 m. If one of the parallel side is smaller than the other by 4 m, find two parallel sides.
Answer 7:

8. Find the two parallel sides of a trapezium whose area is 1.6 m2, altitude is 10 dm and one of the Parallel sides is longer than the other by 8 dm.
Answer 8:

9. The cross-section of a canal is in the form of a trapezium. If the top of the canal is 15 in wide, the atom is 8 m and the area of cross-section is 138 m2, fund its depth.
Answer 9:

10. Two parallel sides of a trapezium are 58 cm and 42 cm. The other two sides are of equal length which is 17 cm. Find the area of trapezium.
Answer 10:

11. The lengths of the parallel sides of a trapezium are in the ratio 4 : 7. If the height of the trapezium is 14 m and its area is 385 sq. m, fund the length of its parallel sides.
Answer 11:

12. The perimeter of a trapezium is 104 m, its non-parallel sides are 18 m and 22 m, and its altitude is 16 m. Find the area of trapezium.
Answer 12:

- DAV class 8 Maths Book Solutions
- Chapter 1 | Square and Square Roots | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 2 | Cube and Cube Roots | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 3 | Exponents And Radicals | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 4 | Direct And Inverse Variation | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 5 | Profit, Loss And Discount | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 6 | Compound Interest | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 7 | Algebraic Identities | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 8 | Polynomials | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 9 | Linear Equations In One Variable | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 10 | Parallel Lines | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 11 | Understanding Quadrilaterals | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 12 | Construction Of Quadrilaterals | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 13 | Introduction To Graphs | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 14 | Mensuration | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 15 | Statistics and Probability | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 16 | Rotational Symmetry | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
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