Are you looking for DAV Maths Solutions for class 8 then you are in right place, we have discussed the solution of the Secondary Mathematics book which is followed in all DAV School. Solutions are given below with proper Explanation please bookmark our website for further updates!! All the Best !!
Chapter 14 | Mensuration | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
Unit 14 Worksheet 3 || Mensuration
1. Find the length of the side of a cube whose total surface area measures 600 cm2.
Answer 1:

2. The length, breadth and height of a room are 5 m, 4 m and 3 m respectively. Find the cost of white washing the inner of the room and ceiling at the rate of 50 per square metre.
Answer 2:

3. Find the total surface area of a closed cardboard box of length 0.5 m, breadth 25 cm and height 15 cm.
Answer 3:

Q 4.
Answer 4:

5. The dimensions of an oil tin arc are 26 cm x 26 cm x 45 cm. Find the area of tin sheet required to make 20 such tins.
Answer 5:

6. A swimming pool is 20 m in length, 15 m in breadth, 4 m in depth. Find the cost of cementing its floor and walls at 35 per m2.
Answer 6:

7. A cubical box with a lid has a length of 30 cm. Find the cost of painting the inside and outside of the box at 5.50 per m2.
Answer 7:

8. Two cubes of side 4 cm are fixed together. Find the total surface area of the new solid formed.
Answer 8:

- DAV class 8 Maths Book Solutions
- Chapter 1 | Square and Square Roots | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 2 | Cube and Cube Roots | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 3 | Exponents And Radicals | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 4 | Direct And Inverse Variation | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 5 | Profit, Loss And Discount | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 6 | Compound Interest | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 7 | Algebraic Identities | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 8 | Polynomials | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 9 | Linear Equations In One Variable | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 10 | Parallel Lines | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 11 | Understanding Quadrilaterals | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 12 | Construction Of Quadrilaterals | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 13 | Introduction To Graphs | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 14 | Mensuration | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 15 | Statistics and Probability | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 16 | Rotational Symmetry | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
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