Chapter 14 | Visualising Solids | Class-7 DAV Secondary Mathematics

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Chapter 14 Worksheet 1 | Visualising Solids | Class-7 DAV Secondary Mathematics

Unit 14 Worksheet 1 || Visualising Solids

1. Consider this pyramid ABCDE (Fig. 14.3). Its base is a square BCDE. Find out how many more faces does it have. What is the shape of its other faces?

Answer 1:

Chapter 14 | Visualising Solids | Class-7 DAV Secondary Mathematics

2. Name all the vertices, edges and faces of the given pyramid.

Answer 2:

Chapter 14 | Visualising Solids | Class-7 DAV Secondary Mathematics

3. Now many vertices, edges and faces will a cuboid have? What is the shape of its faces?

Answer 3:

Chapter 14 | Visualising Solids | Class-7 DAV Secondary Mathematics

4. Consider the given figure (Fig. 14.4). It shows a cube surmounted by a pyramid. How many faces, edges and vertices does it have? Name its edges, faces and vertices. Also, state the faces which are triangles and which are squares.

Answer 4:

Chapter 14 | Visualising Solids | Class-7 DAV Secondary Mathematics

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