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Chapter 2 Worksheet 2 | Operations on Large Numbers | Class-5 DAV Primary Mathematics
Unit 2 Worksheet 2 || Operations on Large Numbers
1. Solve the following word problems.
(a) A soap factory produced 26,92,645 soaps in one year. In the next year, it produced 8,67,205 soaps more. How many soaps did the factory produce in the second year?

(b) In one year, Mr Mohan earned ₹5,57,088, his wife earned ₹3,23,672 and their son earned ₹2,96,750. How much money did Mr Mohan’s family earn in one year?

(c) In an examination conducted by the Delhi University, 15,83,693 candidates appeared. Out of these 7,49,865 passed. How many candidates failed in the examination?

(d) In an election, the winning candidate got 6,28,496 votes and his rival got 4,56,298 votes. If 3,846 votes were declared invalid, what was the total number of votes polled?

(e) Find the sum of the greatest 8-digit, 7-digit and 6-digit numbers.