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Chapter 2 Worksheet 4 | Operations on Large Numbers | Class-5 DAV Primary Mathematics
Unit 2 Worksheet 4 || Operations on Large Numbers
Solve the following word problems.
(a) A uniform set costs Rs. 1,325. What will be the cost of 567 uniform sets?

(b) One packet contains 385 sweets. How many sweets can be packed in 52,690 packets?

(c) A rocket travels 7,59,600 km in 240 hours. How many kilometres will the rocket travel in one hour?

(d) Mr Mohan earns Rs. 19,750 every month. How much will he earn in 8 years?

(e) During floods, 43,725 villagers became homeless. The government put up tents, each tent housing 265 villagers. How many tents were put up?

(f) The product of two numbers is 25,79,966. If one number is 431, find the other number.