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Chapter 3 Worksheet 1 | Integers | Class-6 DAV Secondary Mathematics
Unit 3 Worksheet 1 || Integers
1. Indicate the following by using Integers.
(a) Earning 7 500
(b) Loss of Rs. 90
(c) Climbing up 10 steps
(d) Withdrawal of Rs. 500 from a bank
(e) 5 m above sea level
(f) 3 km towards north
(g) 10°C below zero
(h) An increase of 25 marks

2. Write the opposites of—
(a) Depositing 1,000 in a bank account.
(b) Decrease of 5 marks.
(c) Earning 200.
(d) Going 2 km towards east.
(e) Two steps to the left of zero on a number line.
(f) Losing weight of 7 kg.

3. Encircle the negative integers from the following numbers. -59, 6, 0, -1, -4, 45, -62, 107