Are you looking for DAV Maths Solutions for class 8 then you are in right place, we have discussed the solution of the Secondary Mathematics book which is followed in all DAV School. Solutions are given below with proper Explanation please bookmark our website for the further update !! All the Best !!
DAV SOLUTIONS CLASS 8 Secondary Mathematics ||
|| Unit 4 Worksheet 2
1. In the following tables, a and b vary inversely. Fill in the missing values.


2. The science teacher asked the students of Class-VII to make a project report on pollution. When 10 students work on it, the work gets finished in 3 days. How many students are required so that work finishes in 2 days?

3. Running at an average speed of 40km/hr, a bus completes a journey in 4½ hours. How much time will the return journey take if the speed is increased to 45km/hr?

4. Disha cycles to her school at an average speed of 12 km/hr. It takes her 20 minutes to reach the school. If she wants to reach her school in 15 minutes, what should be her average speed?

5. 15 men can repair a road in 24 days, how long will it take 9 men to repair he same road?

6. If 30 goats can graze a field in 15days, how many goats will graze the same field in 10 days?

7. A contractor with a work force of 420 men can complete a work of construction of a building in 9 months. Due to request by the owners he was asked to complete the job in 7 months. How many extra men he must employ to complete the job?

8. Uday can finish a book in 25 days if he reads 18 pages every day. How many days will he take to finish it, if he reads 15 pages every day?

9. A shopkeeper has enough money to buy 40 books, each costing ₹125. How many books he can buy if he gets a discount of ₹25 on each book?

10. 6 pumps working together empty a tank in 28 minutes. How long will it take to empty the tank if 4 such pumps are working together?

11. A train moving at a speed of 75 Km/hr covers a certain distance in 4.8 hrs. What should be the speed of the train to cover the same distance in 3hrs?

12. A garrison of 120 men has provision for 30 days. At the end of 5 days, 5 more men joined them. How many days can they sustain on the remaining provisions?

- DAV class 8 Maths Book Solutions
- Chapter 1 | Square and Square Roots | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 2 | Cube and Cube Roots | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 3 | Exponents And Radicals | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 4 | Direct And Inverse Variation | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 5 | Profit, Loss And Discount | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 6 | Compound Interest | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 7 | Algebraic Identities | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 8 | Polynomials | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 9 | Linear Equations In One Variable | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 10 | Parallel Lines | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 11 | Understanding Quadrilaterals | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 12 | Construction Of Quadrilaterals | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 13 | Introduction To Graphs | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 14 | Mensuration | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 15 | Statistics and Probability | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
- Chapter 16 | Rotational Symmetry | Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics
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