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Chapter 7 Worksheet 13 | Multiplication and Division of Decimal Numbers | Class-5 DAV Primary Mathematics
Unit 7 Worksheet 13 || Multiplication and Division of Decimal Numbers
Solve the following word problems.
(a) 12 tins can hold 39.624 litres of oil. How much oil can one tin hold?

(b) Cost of 23 metres of cloth is 608.35. Find the cost of one metre cloth.

(c) I have a 7.5 metres long ribbon. I want to cut it into 1.5 m long pieces. How many pieces will I get?

(d) 16.5 kg sugar is put in paper bags each containing 0.5 kg of it. How many bags are there?

(e) I require 2.25 m cloth to stitch a skirt. How many skirts can be stitched with 20.25 m cloth?