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Chapter 8 Worksheet 1 | Basic Geometrical Concepts | Class-6 DAV Secondary Mathematics
Unit 8 Worksheet 1 || Basic Geometrical Concepts
1. Mark a point in your notebook and draw a line passing through it. How many lines can you draw passing through this point?

2. Mark any two points in your notebook and draw a line passing through both the points. How many such lines can you draw passing through these two given points?

3. Classify the following pairs of lines as parallel lines or intersecting lines.

4. Fill in the following blanks.
(a) An orange has a _______ surface.
(b) A 100 rupee note has a _______ surface.
(c) _______ lines can pass through one given point in a plane.
(d) Three or more points in a plane which lie on the same line are called ________.
(e) Lines in a plane which do not meet anywhere are called ________ lines.
(f) Two lines which cut each other at a point are called ________ lines.

5. In the given figure. write—

(a) all the pairs of parallel lines.
(b) the lines whose point of intersection is E.
(c) one set of four collinear points.
(d) any four pans of intersecting lines.
(e) the point of intersection of lines m and t.
(f) the point of intersection of lines r and t.

6. A, B, C are any three points In a plane. Join them in pairs. How many lines can you get if—
(a) A. B. C are collinear?
(b) A, B, C are not collinear?

7. Lines I, m and n are concurrent. Also lines r. I and m are concurrent. Draw a figure and state whether floes r, I, m and n are concurrent or not.

8. In the given figure, name—

(a) the lines concurrent at point A.
(b) all the sets of collinear points.
(C) the lines concurrent at point G.
(d) the point of intersection of three lines I, p and m.
(e) all the points that lie in this plane.
(f) two pairs of intersecting lines.

9. In the figure given below, name the—

(a) lines concurrent at D and B.
(b) point of concurrence of lines AD, AB and AC.

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Brain teasers