Class 12 Result 2021 Calculator or Percentage Calculator
Are you looking for Class 12 Marks or percentage calculator then you are at right place.Ncertbookspdf.com has launched a free Class 12th result calculator that takes input as marks obtained in internal assessments in schools, performance in Class 11, Class 10 exams, and other details that will be considered by the CBSE for calculating Class 12 results.
As we all know that CBSE class 12th exam has been cancelled , students are worried about their percentage in class XII In this Post we have provided CBSE class 12th Marks Calculator based on the marking criteria shared by CBSE.
CBSE has given 40:30:30 formula for evaluation of marks of Class XII students which will be based on their Class XII, Class XI and Class X results, respectively.
In the Class X component, the average of the theory marks of three main subjects in which a student performed best in their Class X board examinations will be computed.
For the Class XI component, the computation will be based on the marks in the respective subjects from year-end final theory exams that the students wrote in 2019-2020.
For Class XII, it will be based on the performance of students in each subject in either one or more unit tests, mid-term or pre-board theory exams.
Details Required while Calculating Percentage are Class X best three subjects marks, Class XI theory marks and Class XII Pre board and Expected Practical Marks in class XII.
Students need to enter some basic details such as marks in different exams and calculator display estimated percentage.
CBSE Class 12th results 2021 Expected Marks Result Calculator
Kindly Note result provided by the Calculator depend on the input provided by students, we don’t claim complete accuracy as final marks may differ from the result provided.
Frequently Asked Questions
CBSE Class 12 result or marks predictor is a free tool by Ncertbookspdf.com which enables students to an idea of expected estimated marks after new CBSE result marking criteria for declaring class 12th results.
CBSE class 12 result / percentage predictor 2021 takes input as marks obtained in internal assessments in schools, performance in Class 11, Class 10 exams, and other details that will be considered by the CBSE for calculating Class 12 results.
Kindly Note result provided by calculator on the website depend on the input provided by students, we don’t claim complete accuracy as final marks may differ from the result provided.
CBSE has devised 40:30:30 formula for evaluation of marks of Class XII students which will be based on their Class XII, Class XI and Class X results, respectively.
You can use CBSE Class 12 result or marks predictor a free tool by Ncertbookspdf.com which enables students to an idea of expected estimated marks after new CBSE result marking criteria for declaring class 12th results.
CBSE has devised 40:30:30 formula for evaluation of marks of Class XII students which will be based on their Class XII, Class XI and Class X results, respectively. We have provided a calculator herein students can just enter their class 10 ,11,and 12th to get expected marks.
Please Share the Percentage Calculator with your friends. All the Best!!!!
Also Read: CBSE CGPA Calculator | Convert CGPA to Percentage