Class 3 Fractions Worksheet

In this post, we have covered grade or class 3 worksheets related to fractions. The worksheet provided also contains word problems on fractions.

Worksheet on fractions

1. Write the fraction of the shaded part in the picture.

Class 3 Fractions Worksheet
a) 1/3                                   b) 1/2
c) 2/3                                   d) None of these

2. Write the fraction of the shaded part in the picture.

Class 3 Fractions Worksheet
a) 1/4                                    b) 1/8
c) 1/2                                    d) None of these

3. Write the fraction of the shaded part in the picture.

Class 3 Fractions Worksheet
a) 1/6                                    b) 1/4
c) 1/2                                    d) 2/7

4. Colour the one-fourth ( 1/4) part in each of the following figures with any color.

Class 3 Fractions Worksheet

5. How many one-sixths are present in a whole?

a) 5
b) 4
c) 6
d) 0

6. How many one-forths are present in a whole? a) 5                                  
b) 4
c) 6                                  
d) 0

7. Shegal had a puzzle of 70 pieces. She lost 10 pieces. What fraction of the puzzle did she loose?
(a) 1/7
(b) 4/7
(c) 3/7
(d) 6/7

8. Tina peeled an orange. 4 pieces of the orange were rotten. She ate the other 6. What fraction of the orange was rotten?
(a) 6/10
(b) 10/10
(c) 4/6
(d) 4/10

9. Somya got 5 sweets in school. She gave one sweet to each of her friends. What fraction of sweets did each friend receive?
(a) 1/5
(b) 2/5
(c) 3/5
(d) 4/5

10. A cake was cut into eight pieces. Seven pieces were eaten. What fraction of the cake was left?
(a) 7/8
(b) 1/8
(c) 4/8
(d) 1/8

11. There were 30 eggs in the basket. 12 eggs broke when the basket fell. What fraction of the eggs are unbroken?
(a) 12/30
(b) 30/30
(c) 18/30
(d) 30/12

12. Ramu’s car had two flat tyres. What fraction of the tyres were flat?
(a) 1/4
(b) 2/4
(c) 4/4
(d) 3/4

13. Shalini bought a new necklace with 16 pink beads and 22 purple beads. What fraction of the necklace was pink?
(a) 16/38
(b) 22/38
(c) 12/38
(d) 16/22

14. The mason has used 10 bricks out of 42 bricks. What fraction of the bricks is not used?
(a) 10/42
(b) 32/42
(c) 8/42
(d) 7/42

15. There are 20 balloons used to decorate a room. 5 of these were red. What fraction of the balloons were not red?
(a) 5/20
(b) 15/20
(c) 5/15
(d) 20/25

Download This Worksheet in PDF : Fraction Worksheet I For Grade 3

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