In this post, we have covered grade or class 3 worksheets related to Time. The worksheet provided also contains word problems on Time.
1. How many seconds are there in One Minute.
(a) 30
(b) 60
(c) 120
(d) 100
2. How many Minutes are there in One Hour.
(a) 30
(b) 60
(c) 120
(d) 100
3. How many Hours are there in One Day.
(a) 20
(b) 60
(c) 24
(d) 12
4.Ram take his dinner at 9:30 _____
a) AM b) PM
c) Noon d) Morning
5. Convert 4 days 9 hours into hours
a) 95 hours
b) 115 hours
c) 105 hours
d) 125 hours
6. Convert 6 hours 15 minutes into minutes
a) 375
b) 300
c) 365
d) 370
7.How many times the hour hand rotates in half day?
a) 12
b) 24
c) 30
d) 18
8.What is Quarter Past Nine ? a) 08:45 b) 08:30
c) 09:15 d) 09:30
8.What is Quarter to Seven ? a) 07:45 b) 07:30
c) 08:15 d) 07:15
9.Write the displayed time below each clock:

10. Identify the Correct Time.

c) 09:30 d) None of these
11. Identify the Correct Time.

c) 06:30 d) None of these
12. Match the Analog clock time with Digital Clock time. First, one has been done for you.

13. Noon refers to 1 p.m. a) True b)False
14. What is the time shown in the clock?

15.How many minutes will it take from 06:12 AM to 07:15 AM. (a)33 (b) 63 (c) 65 (d) 53
16. How many days are there in 2 Week? (a)07 (b) 14 (c) 21 (d) 28
17. Ram went to watch a movie at 07:40 PM it was of 2 Hour and 20 Minutes . When will the movie end? (a)10:00 PM (b) 09:00 PM (c) 10:30 PM (d) 11:00 PM