A. Tick the correct option.
1. The oldest religion of the world is-
Answer: Hinduism
2. The Parsees are the followers of-
Answer: Zoroaster
3. Siddharth became Buddha when-
Answer: he attained enlightenment.
4. Which one of the following books belongs to Judaism?
Answer: Apocrypha
5. Which colour of clothes do Shvetambers wear?
Answer: white
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. According to the Hindus, Srishti (the creation) is governed by three Gods namely: (i) ___________ (ii) ___________ (iii) ___________.
2. ___________ is the God of good forces, according to Zoroastrianism.
3. ___________ is the only God in Judaism.
4. Gautam Buddha realised that the real cause of misery is ___________.
5. Christian era started from ___________ CE.
Answer: (1) Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh (2) Ahur Mazda (3) Jehovah (4) desire (5) first.
C. Match the following:

Answer: (1) c (2) d (3) e (4) b (5) a.
D. Answer the following questions in brief.
1. Name any three holy books of Hinduism.
Answer: Gita, Ramayana, and Mahabharata are the three holy books of Hinduism.
2. State the content of the Old Testament.
Answer: The Old Treatment contain history of the religious beliefs of Jews.
3. What is the main contribution of Mahavir?
Answer: Mahavir suggested three ways to attain Moksha. These were:
- right faith
- right action
- right knowledge
These are known as Triratna or Three Jewels.
4. In your opinion, what is the main cause of misery?
Answer: In my opinion, the main cause of misery is desire.
5. What is a synagogue?
Answer: The Jewish temple is known as Synagogue.
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Explain the meaning of the cycle of birth and rebirth.
Answer: Hindu philosophy preaches that soul is immortal. It never dies. When it leaves one’s body, it enters the other body. This is called the cycle of birth and rebirth.
2. Describe the teachings of Zoroaster.
Answer: Zoroaster teaches that if a person’s right or good actions are more than the evil, he goes to the heaven otherwise to the hell. Zoroaster religion to follow the right deeds, right thinking and right speech.
3. Explain the three ways suggested by Mahavir to attain moksha.
Answer: The three ways suggested by Mahavir to attain Moksha were:
- Right faith
- Right action
- Right knowledge
These are known as Triratna or Three Jewels.
4. List the Eight-Fold Path as suggested by Mahatma Buddha to attain moksha.
Answer: The Eight-fold path suggested by Mahatma Buddha to attain Moksha are: (i) Right observation (ii) Right action (iii) Right livelihood (iv) Right thinking (v) Right determination (vi) Right speech (vii) Right exercise (viii) Right meditation.
5. Why do Christians celebrate Easter and Christmas every year?
Answer: It is believed that Jesus Christ came back to life after three days and then left for his heavenly abode. This event is celebrated as Easter every year. The birth of Christ is celebrated all over the world on 25 December every year as Christmas.