A. Tick the correct option.
1. The smallest unit of community life is-
Answer: a family.
2. It is very essential to keep the environment-
Answer: clean and green.
3. Economic development has made villages and towns-
Answer: close to each other.
4. Which one of the following festivals is not a harvesting festival?
Answer: Diwali
5. The Directive Principles of State Policy are helpful in achieving our national goal like-
Answer: economic justice.
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Several families living close to one another form a ___________.
2. Community life promotes a feeling of ___________.
3. Depending on one another is called ___________.
4. Education makes us a good ___________.
5. India is mainly a land of ___________.
Answer: (1) neighbourhood (2) togetherness (3) interdependence (4) human beings (5) villages.
C. Give one word answer to the following.
1. Name the first school of a child.
Answer: Family
2. Name the harvest festival of Tamil Nadu.
Answer: Pongal
3. What makes the fulfilment of our needs possible?
Answer: Interdependence
4. What forces the villagers to migrate to towns and cities?
Answer: Job opportunities
5. Which factor has diluted the impact of India’s economic progress?
Answer: Rapid increase of population
D. Answer the following questions in brief.
1. What values does our family inculcate in us?
Answer: Our family inculcate many values in us like-civic values, discipline, dedication, honesty, patriotism, obedience, truthfulness, sacrifice and cooperation.
2. How does school help us in our development?
Answer: Our School plays an important role in our development. It not only imparts education, but also trains us in the art of community living.
3. How did economic interdependence begin in a community?
Answer: At first people worked for one another in return of goods or services. Later on, they worked in exchange for money. This becomes the basis of all economic activities and also the sources of livelihood. In this way economic interdependence begin in a community.
4. List any four essential services commonly required by rural as well as urban communities.
Answer: The four essential services commonly required by rural as well as urban communities are:
- clean drinking water
- clean environment
- Schools
- Electricity
5. Name the main factors responsible for Green Revolution in India.
Answer: Factors responsible for green revolution in India are:
- Adoption of high-yielding varieties of seeds.
- Supply of chemical fertilizers.
- Expansion of irrigation facilities.
- Use of machinery in agriculture.
E. Answer the following questions.
1. How did the ‘community life’ begin?
Answer: Man is called a social animal. Man cannot live without a society or a community. The society provides security and support to everyone. Community life begin due to human nature and our necessity that we enjoy living in a community.
To fulfill needs, requirements and necessities of each other, human live together and extend mutual co-operation. This is how community life begin.
2. How does the cultural exchange help in community development?
Answer: Cultural exchange help in community development. We know that expression and feeling of people take the form of hobbies. These activities kept on changing with time and place. The food habits, dress dance forms, painting, games etc. varied from region to region. They influenced by geographical and climatic conditions. The interaction among the various community influenced the costumes, beliefs and traditions.
3. Distinguish between the rural and urban communities.

4. Highlight the factors that make the city-life in India very difficult.
Answer: There are many factors that make the city life in India very difficult:
- People of rural areas are attracted to towns and cities have become over populated and scarce in basic amenities.
- Inspite of tremendous development in the field of transport, the roads are overcrowded.
- Disposal of city waste, lack of proper sanitation and drainage, scarcity of clean drinking water.
5. State the provisions given in the Indian Constitution which aim at bringing equality.
Answer: To bring equality and remove with social evils, like untouchability, gender bias, unemployment, illiteracy, etc. our constitution has many provisions under The Fundamental Rights, like Right to Freedom, Right to Equality, right against Exploitation.
Very very short answer upload all chapter of class 6 ssc all parts thanks a lot