A. Tick the correct option.
1. Which continent is believed to be the origin of mankind?
Answer: Africa
2. When did man become a skilled tool-maker?
Answer: Neolithic age
3. The tools of Palaeolithic man were made up of-
Answer: stone
4. The first animal domesticated by man was-
Answer: dog
5. The early man travelled from place to place in search of-
Answer: food
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. The greatest achievement of man during Palaeolithic Age was ___________.
2. Palaeo means ___________ and lithic means ___________.
3. In India, the remains of Mesolithic man have been found in the regions of ___________ and ___________.
4. ___________ was the first metal discovered by man.
5. ___________ man believed in life after death.
Answer: (1) discovery of fire (2) old, stone (3) Ujjain, Jorwa (4) Copper (5) Neolithic
C. Number the following sentences in the order in which they occurred in the life of the early man.
- He invented fire.
- He started weaving his clothes.
- He covered his body with the skins of animals.
- Metal Age started after the Stone Age.
- He invented the wheel.
- He made pots.
- He moved towards water sources.
- He started using bones and horns as tools.
Answer: 1,8,7,3,2,5,6,4.
D. Answer the following questions in brief.
1. Mention the sources that enable us to understand the history of early man.
Answer: The sources that enable us to understand the history of early man is based on the remains of objects, fossils and tools that have been excavated from different parts of the world by archaeologists.
2. List the three phases of Stone Age.
Answer: The three phases of stone age are:
- Paleolithic Age
- Mesolithic Age
- Neolithic Age
3. How did early man obtain his food?
Answer: Early man obtained his food by hunting and gathering. He moved from one place to another in search of food.
4. State any two uses of fire in the Old Stone Age.
Answer: The two uses of fire in the Old Stone Age are:
- Fire provided the early man warmth and safety from wild animals.
- It helped to roast raw food to make it tastier and softer.
5. What is meant by Chalcolithic period?
Answer: Chalcolithic period is the period in which man started using copper tools in addition to the stone tools and implements.
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Describe any four major changes that took place in human life during Mesolithic age.
Answer: Four major changes during Mesolithic age are:
- Man started using horns and bones in addition to the stone tools.
- Man started making huts with the branches of trees.
- He became a food producer and moved close to water bodies like rivers and lakes.
- He started taming animals, like cow, goat, sheep and pig, that served his needs.
2. What were the beliefs of Neolithic man about life?
Answer: The Neolithic man believed in life after death. The dead were buried along with the objects like beads, pots, tools, etc., that they used in their life. It was believed that they might need them in another life.
3. How did the invention of wheel help in the development of human civilisation?
Answer: The invention of wheel was very helpful. People used the wheel for making sledges and chariots. They also used the wheel for other activities like spinning and pottery.
4. Distinguish between Paleolithic and Neolithic Age with respect to tools, occupations and inventions.

5. How were the tools of Paleolithic man different from that of Mesolithic age?