DAV CLASS 8 Social Science Solutions: Students who are looking for DAV Social Science Books Solutions then you are in right place, we have discussed the solution of Social Science class 8 book chapter 13 Colonialism and Urban Change in all DAV Schools. Solutions are given below with proper Explanation please bookmark our website for further updates!!

DAV CLASS 8 | Colonialism and Urban Change Science Question and Answers
Something to Know
A. Tick (✓) the correct option.
1. Which one of the following was not a Presidency Town during the British period?
Ans. (a) Surat
2. The British shifted their capital from Calcutta to which other place in 1911?
Ans. (d) New Delhi
3. Which one of the following did not happen due to the introduction of railways in India?
Ans. (b) freedom from foreign exploitation.
4. Employment opportunities of Calcutta increased many times due to—
Ans. (a) building infrastructure facilities.
5. Which one of the following was not an objective for the New Delhi Municipal Committee set-up by the Britishers?
Ans. (d) To introduce a proper water supply system.
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. The great literary figures like Rabindranath Tagore, Aurobindo Ghosh and Mulk Raj Anand were influenced by the English pattern of writing.
2. Many huge architectural wonders were built in the port city of Madras by the Britishers.
3. Many English painters arrived in India in search of princely patronage.
4. Calcutta was the imperial capital of the British, whereas their summer capital was Shimla.
5. Delhi Development Authority was set-up in 1955 to develop and manage land in Delhi.
C. Match the following.
1. Relocation of New Delhi as the British capital —> (d) 1911
2. Formation of Delhi Municipal Committee — —> (c) 1863
3. Delhi Durbar for Queen victoria ————-> (a) 1877
4. Beginning of Indian Railways ————–> (e) 1853
5. Restructuring of Delhi police ————–> (b) 1946
Ans. 1. (d), 2. (c), 3. (a), 4. (e), 5. (b)
D. Answer the following questions in brief.
1. Why did the British introduce railways in India? Explain any three reasons.
Ans 1. The British introduced railways for the following reasons:
(i) Commercial advantage. Railways collected raw material from fields and mines and sent them to the ports to be transported to England for British industries.
(ii) Political aspect. Railways safeguarded the British possessions in different parts of India to enable quick movement of armed forces and administrative convenience.
(iii) Defence aspect. More importantly, the railways helped the British Defence Forces in India to counter the military attacks of other imperialist countries, who were trying to expand their influence.
2. Describe the police organisation of Lord Cornwallis.
Ans 2. Lord Cornwallis organised the police into a regular force. A Superintendent of Police looked after each district with the assistance of a Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP). Each district was divided into thanas under darogas. Villages and towns were looked after by chokidars and kotwals.
3. Highlight any three major improvements that took place in Delhi before the Delhi Durbar of 1877.
Ans 3. The three major improvements that took place in Delhi before the Delhi Darbar of 1877—
• The cantonment occupied about one-third of the area of the walled city.
• Town Duties Committee was set up by the Britishers for the development of the Cantonment.
• Delhi Municipal Committee was formed for constructing railway lines, stations, road links etc.
4. How did some old trading centres lose their. glory and became de-urbanised?
Ans 4. Many old towns, for some specialised goods, lost their glory with the decline in demand for their products. The old trading centres and ports were replaced by new trade centres. De-urbanisation during the nineteenth century destroyed the important cities of Surat, Masulipatnam and Srirangapattnam.
5. What type of discrimination did the people of Calcutta experience after it became the British capital in India?
Ans 5. Calcutta became the capital of the British. It was divided into two parts—
(i) the British part was known as the White Town.
(ii) the Indian part was known as the Black Town. The Indian part was inhabited by the poor. It had congested streets and shanties, whereas the British part had sprawling bungalows and with wide-open spaces.
E. Answer the following questions.
1. The British successfully influenced painting, literature and architecture of India’. Give examples to support this statement.
Ans 1. The art, architecture, painting, and literature, were greatly influenced by the western contact.
• Indian painters changed their selection of themes and medium of painting from the influence of Western-style of painting.
• In the city of Madras and Bombay, many churches, town halls, railway stations were constructed that resembled famous buildings in England.
• The great literary figures of India were influenced by the English pattern of writing.
2. Describe any five major changes brought about in Delhi by the British before the development of New Delhi.
Ans 2. • British started acquiring more and more lands for troops, camps, churches, hospitals, residences, clubs, etc.
• A Town Duties Committee was set-up by the Britishers for the development of the Cantonment, Khyber Pass, the Civil Lines and the Ridge area.
• In 1863, Delhi Municipal Committee was formed for the shifting of the vegetable market outside the walled city, constructing railways lines, railway stations and road links.
• The canal in Chandni Chowk was filled up and trees were cut to cater to increasing traffic, especially, the trams.
• The most modernised developments for this time were piped water and sewerage of the walled city.
3. Describe the distinct features of the city of Calcutta as developed by the British in India. In spite of this, why did the British shift their capital to New Delhi?
Ans 3. In 1850s, the industrial growth in the field of textile and jute led the Britishers to start building infrastructure facilities like railways, roads and telegraph lines. Henceforth the population and employment opportunities of Calcutta increased tremendously. As the size and population of the new urban areas expanded, the Calcutta Municipal Corporation was established. But increasing political discontent all over India forced the British to relocate their capital to New Delhi in 1911 as it was more centrally located for administrative convenience.
4. Introduction of railways in India proved to be a blessing in disguise.’ Give three arguments in favour of and three against the statement.
Ans 4. Railways were introduced in India for the benefit of the British administration, political control and trade. But railways brought many changes in the lives of Indians. People from different parts of India came in close contact. This communication brought about an awareness against social evils’ need of education and freedom from foreign exploitation. There was a lot of opposition against the introduction of railways in India. It offended the people of higher castes as people from all castes had so sit together. Moreover, Indians were not allowed to travel in first class. It was reserved for Europeans. But in any case, railways provided many avenues of profit-making for the British.
5. Describe the developmental activities undertaken to construct and develop New Delhi as the new British Capital.
Ans 5. The British shifted their capital from Calcutta to Delhi in 1911. The Delhi Durbar changed the look of the city. Civil Lines area (now Delhi University and Old Secretariat) was set up. The Imperial Delhi Committee was formed in 1913 for the construction of the new capital. Later, the Chief Commissioner of Delhi created the Raisins Municipal Committee for building the new capital—New Delhi. It became the residence of the Viceroy and the new administrative centre. The English town planners, especially, Edwin Lutyens, prepared the architectural design for the place of the Viceroy, called the Viceroy’s House (now Rashtrapati Bhawan), Circular Pillar Palace (Parliament House), Kingsway (Rajpath) and War Memorial (India Gate) along with many green spaces, parks and gardens.
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