What are the Differences between Fission and Budding?

Fission Budding Occurrence. Fission occurs only in unicellular organisms. Budding occurs both in unicellular and multicellular organisms. Division. Parent divides into two to many daughters. A parent does not divide but gives one or more outgrowths to form new individuals. Identity, Identity of parent is lost during the formation of new individuals. The parent retains … Read more

What are the Difference between Fission and Fragmentation?

Fission and Fragmentation Difference between fission and fragmentation Difference between binary fission and fragmentation What is the difference between fission and fragmentation Difference between budding binary fission and fragmentation Differences between Fission and Fragmentation Fission Fragmentation Organisms. It occurs in unicellular organisms. Fragmentation is found in multicellular organisms. Nucleocytoplasmic Division. It occurs prior to fission. … Read more

Differences between Energy Flow and Circulation of Matter

Energy Flow and Circulation of Matter Matter flows through the ecosystem in the form of the non-living nutrients essential to living organisms Energy Flow Circulation of Matter Addition. Energy is being continuously passed from sun to the ecosystem. No material is added from outside. Movement. Energy flow is unidirectional. There is no circulation. Materials circulate … Read more