MCQ Heredity and Evolution (CLASS 10 SCIENCE /BIOLOGY)

MCQ Heredity and Evolution

Below is list of MCQ for Heredity and Evolution chapter. Students are advised to practice all the below given MCQ to get check their understanding of the topic.

  1. Mendel worked on
    (A) Pisum (B) Solanum (C) Lathyrus (D) Dolichos.
  2. Father of genetics is
    (A) Morgan
    (C) Darwin
    (B) Mendel
    (D) Hutchinson.
  3. A gamete contains
    (A) Two alleles of а gene
    (B) One allele of a gene
    (C) All alleles of a gene
    (D) None of the above.
  4. A breeding experiment dealing with a single
    trait is called
    (A) Dihybrid
    (B) Monohybrid
    (C) Monozygous
    (D) Heterozygous.
  5. Mendel noted as many pairs of contrasting traits
    in pea plants
    (A) 2
    (B) 5
    (C) 7
    (D) 9.
  6. Which one is not a vestigial organ in man?
    (A) Vermiform appendix (B) Epiglottis (C) Muscles of ear pinna (D) Nictitating membrane.
  7. Homologous structures are
    (A) Dissimilar in origin, similar in function
    (B) Dissimilar in origin and function both
    (C) Similar in origin and similar in function
    (D) Similar in origin and dissimilar in function.
  8. Palaentology is the study of
    (A) Fossils
    (B) Bones
    (C) Birds
    (D) Embryo.
  9. ‘Descent with modification’ is the central theme of
    (A) Recapitulation (B) Genetics
    (C) Evolution (D) Biogenesis.
  10. The book “Origin of Species by Natural
    Selection” was written by
    (A) Oparin
    (B) Wallace
    (C) Darwin
    (D) Darwin and Wallace.
  11. Sudden inheritable change is called
    (A) Recombination (B) Mutation
    (C) Natural selection (D) Segregation.
  12. The ultimate source of variation is
    (A) Natural selection (B) Mutation
    (C) Sexual reproduction
    (D) None of these.
  13. Inheritance of acquired characters was proposed by (A) Darwin (B) Lamarck(C) Wallace (D) Oparin.
  14. Vestigial organs are
    (A) Primitive organs (B) Primordial organs
    (C) Organs reduced due to disuse
    (D) Organs marked only in embryonic stage.
  15. The wings of bat, locust and pigeon are the
    example of
    (A) Homologous organs
    (B) Analogous organs
    (C) Vestigial organs
    (D) Exoskeleton.

Please find MCQ solutions student should first try to attempt without referring to answer then refer answer afterwards. Best of luck for your Exam Keep Practicing.

Answers :

  1. (A) 2. (B) 3. (B) 4. (B) 5. (C) 6. (B)7. (B) 8. (D) 9. (A) 10. (C) 11. (C) 12. (B) 13. (B) 14. (B) 15. (C)

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