MCQ Questions for Class 9 Social Science with Answers: History Chapter 1 The French Revolution

CBSE Class 9 Social Science History Chapter 1 French Revolution Multiple Choice Questions and Answers are available in a PDF format for free download. French Revolution MCQ Questions and Answers were created using the most recent exam pattern. Students can determine their level of preparation by answering NCERT Class 9 Social Science History Multiple Choice Questions with Answers.

What was the name of the direct tax paid by the third estate to the state?

(a) Livre
(b) Tithe
(c) Taille
(d) Revenue



Why was the subsistence crisis caused in France?

(a) There was widespread unemployment.
(b) The wages of the people were low
(c) Increase in population led to rapid increase in the demand of food grains.
(d) The government imposed various taxes


Increase in population led to rapid increase in the demand of food grains.

The term Old Regime (France) refers to

(a) Society and institution of France before 1789,
(b) The society and institution under an old Emperor.
(c) The society and institution of France after 1789.
(d) The society and institution of France under the Jacobins.


Society and institution of France before 1789,

Find the incorrect statement about slave trade in France.

(a) French merchants bought slaves from local chieftains. aves from local
(b) The slave trade began in the eighteenth century.
(c) Branded and shackled, the slaves were packed tightly into ships for voyage.
(d) Port Bordeaux and Nantes were famous for slave trade.


The slave trade began in the eighteenth century.

Which of the following is incorrect about Marseillaise?

(a) The Marseillaise is a patriotic song..
(b) The Marseillaise is the National Anthem of France.
(c) This song is composed by Poet Roget de L’Isle.
(d) The song was first sung by the Jacobins.


The song was first sung by the Jacobins.

Consider the following statement and select the correct one

(a) Tax to be paid directly to the state in French Society is known as Taille.
(b) Tax to be paid directly to the state in French society is known as Tithe.
(c) Tax to be paid directly to the state in French society is known as Livre.
(d) Tax to be paid directly to the state in French society is known as Directory.


Tax to be paid directly to the state in French Society is known as Taille.

An extreme situation in which the basic means of livelihood are endangered is known as

(a) struggle to survive.
(b) subsistence crisis
(c) economic crisis
(d) None of these


subsistence crisis

Which of the following theories was proposed by Montesquieu?

(a) Theory of Division of Powers
(b) Social Contract Theory
(c) Theory of Popular Sovereignty
(d) Theory of Democracy


Theory of Division of Powers

Who is the composer of the National Anthem Marseillaise?

(a) Abbé Sieyès
(b) Rouget de L’Isle-
(c) Mirabeau
(d) None of these


Rouget de L’Isle-

Which one of the following groups was not benefited by the French Revolution?

(a) Workers
(b) Peasants
(c) Nobels
(d) Agricultural labourers



At which of the following battles was Napoleon finally defeated?

(a) Waterloo
(b) Paris
(c) Elba
(d) Versailles



When did Louis XVI call an assembly of the Estates General to pass proposals for new taxes?

(a) On 4th April, 1789
(b) On 5th May, 1789
(c) On 5th May, 1788.
(d) On 3rd February, 1788


On 5th May, 1789

The eighteenth century witnessed the emergence of which new social group in France, viz

(a) Working class
(b) Middle class
(c) Nobility
(d) None of these


Middle class

Austrian Princess Marie Antoniette was the Queen of which of the following French rulers?

(a) Louis XIV
(b) Louis XIII
(c) Louis XV
(d) Louis XVI


Louis XVI

Who among the following proposed the Social Contract Theory?

(a) Rousseau
(b) Locke
(c) Montesquieu
(d) Thomas Paine



Who wrote the book ‘Two Treatises of Government’?

(a) Jean Jacques Rousseau
(b) John Locke
(c) Louis XIV
(d) Montesquieu


John Locke

The book The Spirit of the Laws was written by

(a) Rousseau
(b) John Locke
(c) Montesquieu
(d) None of these



The Bastille was hated by all in France because

(a) it was a fortress prison.
(b) it stood for the despotic power of the King.
(c) its commander tortured the inmates.
(d) it housed some dreaded criminals.


it stood for the despotic power of the King.

The greatest achievement of the National Assembly convened in France in 1789 was

(a) passing of laws checking the power of the monarch.
(b) issuing of the Declaration of Rights.
(c) establishment of a new judiciary
(d) establishment of a new legislature.


issuing of the Declaration of Rights.

When was slavery finally abolished in the French colonies?

(a) In 1845
(b) In 1842
(c) In 1848
(d) In 1850


In 1848

When did Napoleon Bonaparte crowned himself Emperor of France?

(a) In 1804
(b) In 1798
(c) In 1800
(d) In 1802


In 1804

When did Louis XVI become the king of France?

(a) In 1770
(b) In 1772
(c) In 1774
(d) In 1787


In 1774

Consider the following statement and select the correct one

(a) Second estate in France demanded that each member of an estate would have one vote.
(b) First estate in France demanded that each member of an estate would have one vote.
(c) Third estate in France demanded that each member of an estate would have one vote.
(d) Both second and third estates in France demanded that each member of an estate would have one vote.


Third estate in France demanded that each member of an estate would have one vote.

Which of the following statements defines a chateau?

(a) Stately residence belongs to a nobleman.
(b) Castle belongs to a king.
(c) Castle belongs to the Army Chief.
(d) Both (a) and (b)


Both and

Which of the following statements defines convent?

(a) Building belonging to a community devoted to a social life.
(b) Building belonging to a community devoted to a religious life..
(c) Building belonging to a community devoted to a political life.
(d) Building belonging to a community economic life. oted to a


Building belonging to a community devoted to a religious life..

What did the red cap worn by Sans Culottes in France symbolise?

(a) Danger
(b) Brotherhood
(c) Anger
(d) Liberty



Who wrote the Declaration of the Rights to Women and Citizens?

(a) Olympe de Gouges
(b) Abeé Sieyès
(c) Mirabeau
(d) None of these


Olympe de Gouges

When did French women march to Versailles and bring the king Louis XVI back with them to Paris?

(a) 10th October, 1789
(b) 5th October, 1789
(c) 10th November, 1791
(d) 10th June, 1790


5th October, 1789