NCERT Class 9 Maths Solutions PDF: In this post, we have discussed the solution of the Maths class 9 book which is followed in all CBSE schools. Solutions are given below with proper Explanation and utmost care has been taken to ensure that the solutions are correct. Answers provided will not only help in completing all the assignments but also help students in clearing their concepts. Students can download the solutions by printing the chapters by using the command Ctrl+P in google chrome and saving it in PDF format. All the best !! Please support us by sharing this website with your school friends.
Exercise 1.2 Class 9 Maths Chapter 1 Number Systems
1. State whether the following statements are true or false. Justify your answers.
(i) Every irrational number is a real number.
(ii) Every point on the number line is of the form √m, where m is a natural number.
(iii) Every real number is an irrational number.

2. Are the square roots of all positive integers irrational? If not, give an example of the square root of a number that is a rational number.

3. Show how √5 can be represented on the number line.

4. Classroom activity (Constructing the ‘square root spiral’): Take a large sheet of paper and construct the ‘square root spiral’ in the following fashion. Start with a point O and draw a line segment OP1 of unit length. Draw a line segment P1P2 perpendicular to OP1 of unit length (see Fig. 1.9). Now draw a line segment P2P3 perpendicular to OP2. Then draw a line segment P3P4 perpendicular to OP3. Continuing in this manner, you can get the line segment Pn–1Pn by drawing a line segment of unit length perpendicular to OPn–1. In this manner, you will have created the points P2, P3,…., Pn,… ., and joined them to create a beautiful spiral depicting √2, √3, √4, …

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