PC 3 :Information Technology (Theory) (all branches)

Information Technology (Theory) (all branches)

Duration 2 hours—————————————————————————————————Maximum Marks: 100

I PC-3: information Technology (Theory)
Software and hardware components:
I . I . L Introduction to Computers and their components- Hardware, CPU, Memory
devices, etc
L L2. Operating System, its key functions
1.1.3. Basic network concepts- LAN/ WAN/ Internet, server infrastructure, endpoint
1.1.4. Cloud computing – basic concepts (IAAS, PAAS, SAAS)
1.1.5. ERP Systems- basic concepts
l.J. Governance and Management of Information Systems in India
I I I. IT Act 2000 (and subsequent amendments)
I 3 2. IT (reasonable security practices and procedures and sensitive personal data
and information rules-201 l )
L3 3. Guidelines for lndian government websites (GIGW)
L3.4. National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) and associated MMPs (Mission Mode
1.1.5. Digital India Programme, e-Kranti mission
L4. Protection of Information Assets
1.4. I Basic criteria for information protection – Confidentiality, integrity and nonreputability, Availability of data
I 4.2 Privacy principles, principles of personally identifiable information (PII)
I 4 3. Physical access and environment control
I .4.4 information system attack methods and OWASP Top l0 vulnerabilities

L5 Information System Auditing Process
1.5. l. CAG’s Standing order on auditing in an IT environment (August 2020)
1.5.2. Type of controls (Control objective and measures, General and IS specific
L5.1. CAATs, continuous auditing techniques

1.6 Information systems acquisition, development, and implementation
L6 L System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) phases

  1. Suggested reading material/ references:
    2.I CAG’s Standing order on auditing in lT environment
    2 2 WGITA-IDI handbook on IT audit for Supreme Audit lnstitutions
    2 I For l.-3, acts/ rules can be used for readinu material.

[SAS PC3 MCQ] Peter Norton Introduction to Computers MCQ Solutions Chapter Wise

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