Poets and Pancakes Class 12 MCQ Questions with Answers English Chapter 6

We have compiled NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 English Flamingo Chapter 6 Poets and Pancakes with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 12 English with Answers were prepared according to the latest question paper pattern. Practicing these Poets and Pancakes Class 12 English MCQs Questions with Answers really effective to improve your basics and learn all the key concepts.

Q1.Why was the office boy disappointed with his job in Gemini studios?

(1) because of his boss
(2) because of his behavior
(3) because of his inability to be a star
(4) because of his intimacy with boss


Answer: because of his inability to be a star

Q2.Why was the author praying for crowd shooting at all times?

(1) to avoid people
(2) to attract the crowd
(3) none
(4) to avoid epical narrations


to avoid epical narrations

Q3.Why was Subbu termed as many sided genius?

(1) gossip style
(2) his flattery
(3) ability to create and manage things
(4) interaction with others


ability to create and manage things

Q4.Why was Subbu considered number 2 at Gemini studio?

(1) because of his abilities
(2) because of his flattery
(3) none
(4) because of creative skills


because of creative skills

Q5.Why was Subbu a trouble shooter?

(1) because of his flattery
(2) because of his gossip style
(3) because of his problem resolving quality
(4) ability to mix up with everyone


because of his problem resolving quality

Q6.Why was MRA invited to Gemini studio?

(1) Because of political affiliations
(2) To show their play
(3) none
(4) because of political infuence


Answer: Because of political affiliations

Q7.Why was authors work appeared nothing at Gemini?

(1) because of cutting- pasting
(2) Because of no direct relation to filmmaking
(3) because he does nothing
(4) because he sits idle


Answer: Because of no direct relation to filmmaking

Q8.Why is the Englishmans visit referred as unexplained mystery?

(1) because of his dress
(2) because of his appearance
(3) because of his unfamiliarity and baffled looks
(4) because of his hairstyle


Answer: because of his unfamiliarity and baffled looks

Q9.Why did the office boy in the makeup room come to the author?

(1) because of his interest in literary arts and film making
(2) because he was unemployed
(3) to do makeup
(4) to earn money


Answer: because of his interest in literary arts and film making

Q10.Why did he visit the studio?

(1) to gossip with the workers
(2) to deliver a speech
(3) to know the film making
(4) to check the workers


Answer: to deliver a speech

Q11.Why did everybody in the studio think of giving some work to the author?

(1) because he was an office boy
(2) because of the idle appearance of his work
(3) none
(4) because he was a helper


because of the idle appearance of his work

Q12.Who was the founder of Gemini studio?

(1) English man
(2) Mr. S.S Vasan
(3) a director
(4) a Tamil boy


Mr. S.S Vasan

Q13.Who was the Englishman?

(1) D.H Lawrence
(2) Salman Rushdie
(3) Stephen Spender- Editor of a British Periodical The Encounter
(4) George Orwell


Stephen Spender- Editor of a British Periodical The Encounter

Q14.Who was Subbus enemy?

(1) the author
(2) no one
(3) The boy in the makeup room
(4) actors


Answer: The boy in the makeup room

Q15.Who was heading the make-up department?

(1) A tamilian
(2) a Madrasi
(3) A Bengali and later was succeeded by a Maharashtrian
(4) A bengali


A Bengali and later was succeeded by a Maharashtrian

Q16.Who was Greta Garbo?

(1) a german actress
(2) A Swedish actress- an Oscar winner
(3) a bengali actress
(4) a French actress


A Swedish actress- an Oscar winner

Q17.Who is the author of Poets and Pancakes?

(1) Charu Nivedita
(2) Asokamitran (1931), a Tamil writer
(3) Balakumaran
(4) Jayakanthan


Asokamitran (1931), a Tamil writer

Q18.Who imitated the scenes of Sunset and Sunrise of Jotham Valley?

(1) Scouts of Madras
(2) Police
(3) All Tamil Plays
(4) Social Workers


All Tamil Plays

Q19.Which plays were presented by MRA in Madras?

(1) Othello
(2) Macbeth
(3) Jetham Valley and The Forgotten Factors
(4) A doll’s house


Answer: Jetham Valley and The Forgotten Factors

Q20.When was Gemini studio set up?




Q21.When did MRA visit Madras?




Q22.What was the brand name of the make up material that Gemini studio bought?

(1) Mancake
(2) Pancake
(3) latin cake
(4) Fancake


Answer: Pancake

Q23What was MRA?

(1) The Moral Rearmament Army- a counter movement to International Communism
(2) British Army
(3) A drama company
(4) a wing of Indian Army


The Moral Rearmament Army- a counter movement to International Communism

Q24.What was Asokamitrans job in the studio?

(1) to arrange make up kits
(2) to arrange pancakes
(3) cut out newspaper clippings on a wide variety of subjects and store them in files.
(4) to serve water


Answer: cut out newspaper clippings on a wide variety of subjects and store them in files.

Q25.What things attracted the audience in the plays staged by MRA?

(1) their make up
(2) their jewellery
(3) their sets and costumes
(4) their dialogues


their sets and costumes

Q26.What qualities was Subbu admired for ?

(1) acting and writing
(2) acting, writing filmmaking skills and the management skills
(3) gossips
(4) flattery


Answer: acting, writing filmmaking skills and the management skills

Q27.What is the example of National Integration in Poets and Pancakes?

(1) rehersal room
(2) Make up department of Gemini
(3) none
(4) office of Gemini studio


Make up department of Gemini

Q28.What has been the make up room compared to?

(1) a Parlour
(2) make up company
(3) hair-cutting salon
(4) a jewellery shop


Answer: hair-cutting salon

Q29.What has Asokamitran brought up through this write up?

(1) topics of make up industry
(2) topics of film industry
(3) topics of heroines
(4) topics of gossip


topics of film industry

Q30.What does the expression made to look ugly refer to ?

(1) faces made by actors
(2) make up done to look presentable before camera
(3) arrangements in the make up room
(4) faces nade by office boy


make up done to look presentable before camera

Q31.What does the expression fiery misery mean?

(1) the bright lights
(2) the glow of lights
(3) discomfort to the actors in the makeup room
(4) the bright colorful dresses of heroines


discomfort to the actors in the makeup room

Q32.What does his book My Years with Boss talk of ?

(1) explain the nature of his boss
(2) his job
(3) impact of movies on every aspect of life in India.
(4) explains his environment


Answer: impact of movies on every aspect of life in India.

Q33.What does he bring to the notice of readers through this write up?

(1) heroines and their tantrums
(2) movies and different roles
(3) Independent India and its infancy
(4) heroines and make up


Answer: Independent India and its infancy

Q34.The boy in the make up room was jealous of whom?

(1) author
(2) actors
(3) Subbu’s success and his closeness to the boss
(4) the visitor


Subbu’s success and his closeness to the boss

Q35.In this lesson, what is the purpose of humor and satire used by the author?

(1) to show capabilities
(2) to highlight human abilities
(3) to show and highlight human infancies and flaws
(4) to show varied capacities


to show and highlight human infancies and flaws

Q36.How was the Gemini studio influenced by the plays staged by MRA?

(1) They imitated their dialogues
(2) They imitated their styles
(3) They imitated their sets and costumes
(4) They imitated their story


Answer: They imitated their sets and costumes

Q37.How was Kothamanglam Subbu treated in the Gemini studio?

(1) rudely
(2) with hatred
(3) with high respect
(4) disrespectfully


with high respect

Q38.How many people were there in MRA group?

(3) 200 people from 20 nationalities


200 people from 20 nationalities

Q39.How does the author come to know that English author was Stephen Spender?

(1) From the newspaper
(2) From a painting
(3) from a book- The God that failed
(4) from a television show


from a book- The God that failed

Q40.For whom was Gemini studio making films?

(1) for illiterate
(2) for English people
(3) for simple Tamilians who have no interest in English poetry
(4) for elderly peole


for simple Tamilians who have no interest in English poetry

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