Are you looking for DAV Books Solutions then you are in right place , we have discussed solution of My English Reader Chapter 3 Puss and the parrot solutions which is followed in all DAV School. Solutions are given below with proper Explanation please bookmark our website for further update !! All the Best !!

DAV CLASS 2 Chapter 3 Puss and the parrot Question and Answer
Do it Yourself

Ill. Arrange the following sentences in the correct order in your notebook.
Answer :
Puss is feeling hungry.
He sees a parrot.
He holds the parrot in his paws.
The parrot tells Puss to wash his hands.
The parrot flies away. .
IV. Answer the following questions:
(a) Who is hungry ?
Ans: Puss is hungry.
(b) Whom does Puss want to eat?
Ans: Puss wants to eat the parrot.
(c) Where is the parrot sitting?
Ans: The parrot is sitting on the tree.
(d) Who is more clever – Puss or the parrot ?
Ans: The parrot is more clever.
(e) Who said the following sentences
Now I am going to eat you. —-Puss the Cat
You must first wash your hand and face.—–Parrot
You stand here and see—Puss the cat
I am not going to wait for you to eat me up—Parrot
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