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Rational Number Questions & Answers
Worksheet 1

A number is a rational number if it can be expressed in P/Q format where Q is not equal to zero.
(i) – 3 is a rational number.
(ii) – 2/3 is a rational number.
(iii) 4/0 is not a rational number as its denominator is zero. It violates the basic definition as the denominator is zero.
(iv) 0/–5 is a rational number.

Answer: (i) Numerator = (– 5) × 4 = – 20
Denominator = – 5 + 4 = – 1
Rational Number = -20/-1 or 20/1
(ii) Numerator = 64 ÷ 4 = 16
Denominator = 32 – 18 = 14
Rational Number = 16/14 =8/7

Answer: (i) -2/9 is not a positive rational number. (ii) 3/-5 is not a positive rational number.
(iii) 4/9 is the positive rational number. (iv) –3/-19 =3/19 is the positive rational number.
(v) 0/– 3 is not a positive rational number.

Answer :(i) 0 is the integer which is neither positive nor negative.
(ii) No. 0 is a rational number where P/Q =0/1 while Q/P =1/0 is not a rational number. A number is a rational number if it can be expressed in Numerator/Denominator format where the Denominator is not equal to zero.

Answer:(i) False; because 0 is the whole number but it is not a natural number.
(ii) True, as the system of integers include all positive zero and all negative numbers.
(iii) False; as whole numbers are positive whereas integers are negative and positive both. e.g. – 3 is not a whole number.
(iv) True
(v) False: Fractions are never negative whereas rational numbers may be negative. e.g.– 7/3 is not a fraction but it is a rational number.
(vi) False, fraction cannot be negative whereas rational numbers may be negative. e.g. -7/3 is a rational number but 3/-7 is not a fraction.

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